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Friendly Fire Off Servers

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I am fairly new to this game and its mod, at this moment I am LOVING this mod it is great. I have posted threads before about making a single player option for myself and those who hate playing with 49 other people that are bandits. I just thought.. this isn't an OLD OLD game.. it should have a friendly fire option surely. If it does could the mod bring this into the game and allow some servers to have friendly fire off, meaning all survivors in the server cannot shoot eachother, No Bandits! I would love that.

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Posted many times and on those posts or suggestions and facts go use the search button :D

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Unfortunately, this ahs been suggested 300 times. Please google it next time.

Your idea is good in theory but it wouldn't work. People would simply get tons of stuff in non PVP servers then jump into PvP servers to own people.

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Unfortunately' date=' this ahs been suggested 300 times. Please google it next time.

Your idea is good in theory but it wouldn't work. People would simply get tons of stuff in non PVP servers then jump into PvP servers to own people.


this is why PVE and PVP servers on MMOs are not connected to one another.

Which is why We should have 2 profiles... 1 for PVP and 1 for PVE servers.

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Unfortunately' date=' this ahs been suggested 300 times. Please google it next time.

Your idea is good in theory but it wouldn't work. People would simply get tons of stuff in non PVP servers then jump into PvP servers to own people.


this is why PVE and PVP servers on MMOs are not connected to one another.

Which is why We should have 2 profiles... 1 for PVP and 1 for PVE servers.

Except that this isn't an MMO; it's a game that's focused around it's PvP. Adding-in the option for PvE servers would be like if Nintendo released a Super Mario game that disabled jumping (heck, even the RPG had some platforming in it).

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This has been suggested many times, and rocket has said many times PvP, currently, is an integral part of the game. Also Arma 2 is a mil sim friendly fire being always on is something you have to deal with, even outside DayZ.

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lol, you can't pick apocalypse this is what happened and you have to deal with it...

this is the most interesting part of the game, but its should be reworked completely so it will be more interesting than how its now.

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Add a completely different server with objectives like domination (clearing out towns of infected) and keep the characters seperate from normal dayz. Lets see how popular that idea would get if tried out. It seems domination is already a popular game for Arma 2.

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