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Strategos (DayZ)


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Hey I'm not sure if this has been suggested before....

I'd really like to see more elements to the survival aspect of the game, mainly exposure.

Getting wet, staying out too long in the cold, especially when hurt and /or hungry would have negative consequences.

Tents, fires and indoor locations. (possibly clothing as well) would reverse your exposure levels. Being well fed (and well clothed?) and dry would reduce the rate at which you get cold.

Fires while great for warming you up would obviously draw attention. We already know the risks of built up areas.

Edit...Actually doing some more reading is this already planned to go in ?

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I couldn't agree more if I wanted to. To the point that I was thinking of making the exact some post almost =D.

I thought it might be interesting if too much time in the rain could cause a cold/flu which would require antibiotics. Lack of treatment or nutrition would cause the condition to worsen. A camp fire (any fire tbh) would allow you to dry out quicker and not get sick.

A raincoat/water proof poncho item could be added to allow travel in the rain and cold with minimal concern. Obviously this item wouldn't be visible due to model restrictions/difficulties but could possibly decay or risk being damaged if prone is used too often. Packing it into a backpack would prevent damage.

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I mostly agree, but I don't like the idea of a poncho/raincoat, it seems like more effort than it's worth. And if you're going to have fires, matches need to be more common, or some other means needs to be provided. Shelter isn't a bad idea though.

Although I don't want to speak for him, I think rocket is definitely interested in the survival/exposure aspects of it, based on what I've read in the interviews. I'm very interested to see what he comes up with.

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See that little club shaped icon on the HUD? That's a thermometer.

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See that little club shaped icon on the HUD? That's a thermometer.

I honestly thought that was planned to do with a virus mechanic. I'd think if you're too cold or too hot or too wet you'd get a little icon indicating it? Like on my aircon remote. A sun for hot, a snowflake for cold, a water drop for wet (although it'd be easy to confuse that with bleeding).

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I'm absolutely all for this.

So long as we change the Bandit skins.

Specifically, to the skins used in STALKER.

You know, where every bandit wears a water proof coat over a woollen jacket?

Because bandits are smart.

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See that little club shaped icon on the HUD? That's a thermometer.

Well that makes sense. I figured it was some kind of "vial" to indicate sickness. Colour me happy either way good sir.

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