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Bandits Ultimate Goal - Nuclear Device

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First: Sorry for this wall of text :)

So I just got thinking about some major goal of what should Bandit do except killing all other ppl. Some other reason why they should keep together and be more disturbing than ever before.

What if there would be some idea, that they heard about location where there should be hidden small Nuclear Device which they could move in some location infested heavily with Zeds and it is center of very most of survivors, Chernogorsk or Electro? or any other big city?

Some goals which would follow to activate it:

1) Find map with note of location of that Nuke (could be "hidden" in some box of not so much big size)

2) Find launch codes to make it active

3) Find some energy generator to refill battery which is handling counter

4) move the bomb to desired location (there would be needed at least Pickup for this, so attach the box to car)

5) activate that bomb with pre-set timer (which would be able to set on some predefined times where 1 hour would be minimum)

6) Run as far as you can (Nuke can be any yield sized - from 1kT to 15kT like in Hiroshima, bigger is pretty badass because it would destroy whole map, and that is not exact goal of bandits - or is it? :) )

Now it could come two possibilities:

1) Survivors could be ready for this situation and have some tools to disable this device in some time, risk their lives because of it (it would add a lot of humanity even over standard measure (they would need stuff like pyrotechnic tools, deactivating codes, or any other what is kinda used for this stuff)

2) Nuke would launch and explode -> Lot of stuff would happened. Blast, Heat Wave, Shock Wave, Destruction of everything accords some calculations by yield of Nuke, Radiation, Radioactive cloud spreading in wind way. (All this Nuke stuff is already made by lot of people including me self (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?112397-Nuclear-Explosion-Physics-Improved , but my code is not finished and it is kinda really overwhelming and would be not needed to be so... extremely precious).

Well, and now imagine the Post apocalyptic world of zombie in Post Nuclear launch ... amazing (radio meter would be necessary).

Or it is also idea for not bandits but new side, Military, there could be for example some possibility that you are surviving soldier who has orders to finish his job, launch that Nuke and it would be great opportunity to make survivors and bandits ally for a while and do the job together ("it is OUR country! We live here, not you SOLDIERS!")

Ok, so what you say?

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Im sorry, but Im seeing this like one of the very possible steps what would military take for.

Nuke would clear whole area in no time and no spare.

These talks about humanity,etc. is just dumb, in case of this real infection would be this one of the one choices to spare more lives at once.

And of course Im not talking here about getting nuke in one hour of gameplay, it would take a lot of time to collect all these items and lot of cooperation. It would also made people not only run and gun all the time like Im seeing last days. Surviving in very own new way.

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Rocket has talked about adding in possible "cleared" zones in later releases.

This could be one way to perma clear a zone, and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what add anti-radiation medicine and gas masks (in ACE) for traversing these zones?

Just an idea, probably will never happen.

Oh yeah, there are nukes in ACE.

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I think adding sort of "artificial" gameplay elements is a bad idea. The reason DayZ functions so well is the player to player interaction and gameplay that occurs from people just being people. There are no given objectives and thus it becomes survival of the fittest.

Creating a dividing line between survivors and bandits as two separate factions and adding objectives just turns it into a team-based cooperative game, which isn't always a bad thing, but in this case hinders the main focus of DayZ and takes away the unique simplicity.

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There are no given objectives and thus it becomes survival of the fittest.

Im not talking about objectives, its just an option. Of course being a soldier would you do some objectives.

But anyway, this one would be perfect way how to make you really bad person known for it "Nuclear terrorist" with some special suit not only bandit one.

And also in opposite way it would be nice to be SEAL,SAS,WHATever suited for disabling it.

It could be working really fine and would add a lot of moral decisions.

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The military would more than likely just drop a nuke from a airplane rather than have guys drive it into a town.

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You are called a bandit, not a murderer. That is like deathmatching on the largest scale possible and ruins the entire premise of the game.

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every bandits ultimate goal should be to make more people become bandits

And the best way how to make everyone bad is when they let that nuke explode' date=' they are guilty because they did not tried to disable it! :)


You are called a bandit' date=' not a murderer. That is like deathmatching on the largest scale possible and ruins the entire premise of the game.


There bandit and bandit, you are maybe bandit with honor like Robin Hood, but there is a lot of bandit who just wants to kill em all, rape all women and be just evil. There is not much games which can offer this and here you go.

And like I said earlier, military purpose player spawned randomly (would be kinda nice if player had humanity above 0 he would be common soldier because common soldier had never kill anyone because he hasn't been in any war or has been there only for control and if that player would have humanity under 0 he would be some sort of SpecOps,URNA,SAS,SEAL,Spetsnaz,etc. that is standard unit who probably killed a lot of ppl and is basically not a human in this case at all.

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the best way to create more bandits is to be a survivor and kill other survivors, or join up with them and backstab them, we need to get them to fear everyone, not just bandits

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every bandits ultimate goal should be to make more people become bandits

And the best way how to make everyone bad is when they let that nuke explode' date=' they are guilty because they did not tried to disable it! :)


You are called a bandit' date=' not a murderer. That is like deathmatching on the largest scale possible and ruins the entire premise of the game.


There bandit and bandit, you are maybe bandit with honor like Robin Hood, but there is a lot of bandit who just wants to kill em all, rape all women and be just evil. There is not much games which can offer this and here you go.

And like I said earlier, military purpose player spawned randomly (would be kinda nice if player had humanity above 0 he would be common soldier because common soldier had never kill anyone because he hasn't been in any war or has been there only for control and if that player would have humanity under 0 he would be some sort of SpecOps,URNA,SAS,SEAL,Spetsnaz,etc. that is standard unit who probably killed a lot of ppl and is basically not a human in this case at all.

Regardless, devs are trying to cut back on the whole deathmatching thing. In a survival situation it isn't really worth it if you don't loot the bodies. Soon enough you'll be out of ammo/food/water

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how are the dev's trying to cut back on it?

Well people complain, people get angry, devs don't want their consumers angry, hence the complete and random deathmatching isn't a good thing.

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how are the dev's trying to cut back on it?

Well people complain' date=' people get angry, devs don't want their consumers angry, hence the complete and random deathmatching isn't a good thing.


"It is the kind of system/environment that will sometimes make you want to punch the computer screen. But with that kind of risk, comes great emotional reward when you carry something off. The sniper you describe - there are people like this in the world, and in the breakdown of order I can bet that there would be people who would sit on a roof and shoot people "just for the lulz".

The system makes no judgement on player actions, and this is one of the only real rules that was adopted for the development. While consequences may occur for a particular action (e.g. humanity loss), no judgement is implied or placed on that behavior. Beyond hacks, and misuse of exploits, regulating player behavior is not a scope of this project. If players, themselves, wish to group together and attempt to regulate the behavior. Well, that's entirely up to you."

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Bandits (mostly, as I see it) arnt there to kill everyone to make them ragequit, like this idea would be nothing but that. What other purpose could there be in this? It doesnt benefit anyone whatsoever, and would anger many.

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