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Sven Shepherd

Random bodies scattered around the world and the stories they tell.

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I've sat on this idea for a while, and at its course it's pretty simple.

Have bodies randomly spawn through the world (similar to heli crash sites), holding loot respective to it's player model (Civilians would have revolver's/makarvos, military personal would have heavier weaponary), in addition they have a chance to be holding diaries on them, little pre-written snippets of the story throughout the world, you'd have 3 main types of diaries

Story: Just little snippets and bits of stories, (Poems, stories of how the world came to be, etc) the adventure this unamed body went through before you found him in his current state, it'd add a lot more depth to the world and would make the player feel a lot more immersed in the world.

Information: Similar to story, except gives hints to possible weapon caches (might not always be true, but worth checking out just incase) and random vehicle spawns throughout the world, perhaps have crudely drawn maps with them, or simply give directions from landmarks. It'd add a lot more to the game, knowing that you're following up a dead mans lead taking you on an adventure across the world.

Player written: These are simple, allow players to be able to write diaries too, for things such as personal information ingame, directions, friendlies and enemies, as well as allowing them to forge fake diaries to create traps, it'd add a huge amount of tension to following up a lead.

Obviously a lot of work would have to be done with this, the diaries would have to account to a certain sense of randomess of the weapon caches/loot, as well as have many different story snippets written out, you wouldn't want a player reading the same thing over and over again.

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This sounds fantastic, could add a shit load of immersion into the game. Giving you a full depth of your surrounding. Imagine coming across a note, reading something along the lines of. ''these may be my last words, but if you are reading this, I have left some food and weapons in a box outside x house at x town.'' The choice is yours, check it out.. or not.. Depends how you feel that day.

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A campsite in the woods, with two tents, a burnt out campfire, and a dead body holding an empty revolver surrounded by six dead zombies would be soooo cool to just stumble upon. It would both provide a nice, randomized loot location for new players, as well as a cool story and a break from trees and grass.

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I think its a great Idea, would even be cool if when someone murders another player on purpose of by accident that on the body is a note containing the player stats, how long they lived and how many people they killed. The bandits will be happy to have killed a player whos been alive for a while, while a survivor who kills the other player on accident may see the stats and see that the person they kill was alive a long time and never killed anyone. Anyways something to think on.

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A campsite in the woods' date=' with two tents, a burnt out campfire, and a dead body holding an empty revolver surrounded by six dead zombies would be soooo cool to just stumble upon. It would both provide a nice, randomized loot location for new players, as well as a cool story and a break from trees and grass.


Exactly this, nothing too blatant, but enough that you can piece together what may have happened

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I suggested a similar idea in another thread earlier today - so would love to see something like this added to the game eventually!

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It's like Dark Souls, a start could be like this:

You die and a note of paper appears and you can start typing then respawn.

When a player founds your dead body he can read the note for example:

"I was killed by a bandit" or "I'm gonna find you piece of shit" or "My stash is at GRID 120 232"

Edited by Baltsar

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