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How many hackers do you bump into?

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So, im buying the game tommorow and from what i've seen it looks awesome.

There is just one thing im wondering about before i buy the game and get the mod and that is how often you guys see hackers? per day, per week? how often is it that you get killed by one?

Answers appreciated :)

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Oftend enough for it not to become a rarity, not to often that its insent, really depends on the server you play as well but number one 1, dont get attached to your gear

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in my 2 months of playing not even one hacker. However i don't join full up servers either i stick to the 20-30 player servers

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In my 2 months I've come across 2 hackers. One threw everyone 100 meters in the air, and killed most of the server (luckily I was able to log before I hit the ground). The other one destroyed all enter-able buildings and then insta-killed me. I would be wary of Russian players, and servers with side chat enabled. Hackers like to hear the wails of rage from their victims

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Well i shot two hackers running at 600 meters with my AS50..

I did not know they where hacker until i ran over to them and saw there gear.. They had EVERYTHING cool included the MK16 EGLM TWS so i knew they where hackers.. so i poked the Server admin. Gave him there names.. han he got them globaly banned..

Nice gooing RandR and you other guy. (cant remeber his name). And thanks for giving bohemia 25x2 more euros to buy new games....

Som days even hackers have bad days.. hehe



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I have never run into hackers on an official server.

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Lots and lots of hackers. Mostly people who hack in items, but then you get guys who just teleport around the map killing anyone they want....

Especially if the server gets mentioned on the forums, more then likely.

It's the worst i've seen out of any game, if they make a server their home....good luck, admins can't kick/ban people or do anything, they will literally own the entire server.

Be prepared to die from someone teleporting to you with an automatic gun. BattleEye is HORRIBLE, it takes them weeks to be able to ban someone. And since the game costs....like $20? Hackers have no problem buying multiple copies of the game.

I'm pretty sure that hackers don't play on hardcore servers as much, but maybe I'm wrong.

Your best bet is to find a server that isn't mentioned on the forums/internet, but a hacker WILL join the server... it's inevitable

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Well I've seen 3 hackers myself, my friend seen 2. And we've seen alot of dupers and bug abusing assholes around.. really many.

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Ran into so many hackers/disconnectors that I've effectively stopped playing the game for quite some time now.

I like calling this particular hacker the "terminator".

There was this one time when I was playing about 2-3 weeks ago, where I was with 2 other of my friends looting Starry... and all of a sudden we hear a chopper getting closer and closer before eventually landing right on the main road leading into Starry (who would land a goddamn chopper by themselves in the middle of Starry, not to mention that choppers weren't spawning anywhere either).

One of my friends that was outside keeping watch on a hill all of a sudden gets shot & killed by a sniper rifle instantly, and after like 10 minutes of waiting and doing nothing my other friend ran outside of the house he was hiding in to try and see if the hacker was still around and of course, he gets blasted by a sniper rifle as well. So I hear zombies running toward the sniper shot and I'm just like fuck it, I ran out of the house and towards where the zombies were running to and sure enough, there's the sniper/hacker who pulled out his silenced M4 and is now shooting the zombies. He didn't notice me, so I ran up as close as possible and unloaded my AKM mag right into his body from about 10-15 feet away, and he doesn't die.

So he finally takes notice of me and we're playing ring around the rosie around this house taking shots at each other (he is fucking bleeding like CRAZY from before when I lit him up, but doesn't pass out or anything). After about a minute of doing this I lose sight of him, and I hear the chopper starting up. So naturally I went into a two story house trying to take cover and all the while zombies are chasing me, so I start shooting & killing the zombies that were trying to get into the house with me. While I'm killing the zombies, the fucking guy flying the chopper crashes it INTO the building I'm in, tearing a hole into the side of it. So I'm like holy fucking shit, he has to be dead now right..?

Wrong. He popped up around the corner of the house I was in and just unloaded a silenced M9 mag into me and finally kills me.

So apparently there are invincibility hacks out as well, unless the guy just knew some kind of exploit that lets him shrug off 30 AKM rounds and a fiery helicopter explosion, all while spewing out blood like a fountain.

It was a pretty memorable experience however.

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Four the other day and I've been playing for a few weeks now. They kept spawning where I killed them. There was one time where someone mullered me in two hits from a Makarov from the second barrack in Balota airfield from the warehouses at the end but that could have just been an excellent (although VERY lucky) shot.

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Thanks for all replies, im ofcourse still buying the game. However im NOT looking forward to the time where i've been struggling to get my inventory all shiny, and then just get killed by a hacker. :P

Edited by Shazman

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