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Saftey Zone

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Hi, I am new to the game and have been really thrilled so far, but I have a few suggestions that would really add to the games whole feel.

1. An official quarantine, safety zone, that will let players go, trade, recruit, buy goods, etc(edit: Think the only hard part about this is people with snipers camping the outskirts of town for players to leave, maybe have some buff that will wear off 5 minutes after leaving so you can't be killed.)

2. Once you murder enough people server will show how many bandits are currently on the server.

3. Form of currency in game currency.

4. Leveling system so even if you die you can keep some sort of subtle perks that helps you survive easier when respawning. Reaching max levels will give you really good perks, but it will take a long time to level and be hard; dying alot will lower your level.

5. The woods are a big open space and not very deadly, making the game way to easy, we needs lots of bears, wolfs, and snakes. What if you could skin these animals and make goods for selling or wearing in cold weather to avoid lowering body temperature as well as food.

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I liked the idea, something like the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R


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I liked the idea' date=' something like the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R



Great game +2

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You dont get it. There are no Buffs. its real life perma death. A trade safe zone I could go for a neutral area maybe monitors by the military. But NO buffs. Unless its like cafene from soda somethnig natural thats it. No riddiculous stuff. I am playing this becasue its hard.



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I dont like this idea... The thread about "Liberation Zone" is a good idea, similar to your safezone, but much better and a lot more hardcore.

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You dont get it. There are no Buffs. its real life perma death. A trade safe zone I could go for a neutral area maybe monitors by the military. But NO buffs. Unless its like cafene from soda somethnig natural thats it. No riddiculous stuff. I am playing this becasue its hard.



By the logic' date=' if you die in game, you should never be able to respawn too. Any game must have some form of unreal-ism, maybe trade skills/talents or something for the player it would add a lot of variety to the game. If I wanted to be some kind of tradesmen or hunter, that would be my permanent skill that would give me perks as I level up.


I dont like this idea... The thread about "Liberation Zone" is a good idea' date=' similar to your safezone, but much better and a lot more hardcore.


I never saw that before, liberation zone sounds awesome. I was just thinking a safe zone would be a bit realistic because it would happen in real life in this scenario.

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I like the idea of a perk that grow over time, but it should go back to zero if you die, this would make your life worth a little more than just what you are carrying, and make robbery more viable.

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1) If you want a safe zone, make one. The game isn't going to hand you luxuries like safety and security. Freeside Trading Co. makes this happen and it works well, but it has to be done by the COMMUNITY, not the GAME.

2) No. What purpose would this have, besides giving bandits an extra edge? "Oh hey, there aren't any bandits on this server, so I won't be facing much competition." Just no.

3) No. Currency is an abstract concept formed by structured societies that are a refinement of the barter system ("money" is just the manifestation of labor, see a book on economics). We have barter: barter's logical for this scenario and it works. Even better, it doesn't introduce hard-coded rules to the world like "This is money so it has value."

4) FUCK no. I hate to use the cliche, but go back to CoD if you want that sort of thing. The game is unfair and meant to be unfair. Just because your last character got 500 kills doesn't mean your new character can or should have any benefits. Now, levelling in one life, like learning to repair stuff or fire more accurately? That'd be acceptable, but cross-life levelling would just be a bad, bad idea.

5) No. The woods are meant to be a sort of safe haven - this isn't Skyrim where every 250ft there's another bear/giant wasp/dragon to kill. Go to a National Park and wander around the woods. Attacked by bears yet? Bitten by snakes? I don't think so. The wilderness is good as is; the only thing that could be improved on is the addition of roving zombie hordes (which has been suggested before and shot down as technically difficult to pull off).

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The neutral zone is a good idea. It would allow people to become traders of the wasteland, something that would definitely be present if our real world goes to hell. The main issue with it, as you stated, would be bandit snipers with their reticles on the exit. To avoid it we could get unkillable for some time or get teleported to random spots, safe both from zombies and players somehow, or a really big safe with the quarantine camp on the middle where no one can fire his weapon, that would prevent people sniping on both the entrance and exit, and would scratch the stupid teleportation idea. Another issue is the unrealism. Quarantine camps do would exist if all hell breaks loose, but they wont let you go once you're in. Scratch the quarantine and just make a safe zone where people can get safely in and out.

The perks/leveling up system is too unrealistic, but I too do not want all the effort I put into playing to just vanish because of pure bad luck (and since I play alone, [inventory full of good stuff+full blood]*[broken bones]= death. As seen its pretty easy to break your leg and i've seen even a repairable helicopter before ever seeing that morphine injector). The game also can get boring after you find a box of matches (It feels a lot easier once you can recover 6,4k of blood with a single cow, undisturbed). How those bond together? Well, how about an AI team that gets in in a chopper, stays and slays for a while, then takes off taking the survivors that come across the group with them? They can even hunt bandits on the server, as suggested on another tread. People that get saved lose their gear, start over (maintaining zeds, bandits and innocents killed) and get to choose a permanent perk every time they "finish" the game. Perks could be simple things that wouldn't unbalance the game, like permanently getting +100 max blood, start with a hatchet, a bigger backpack, a matchbox (wich is incredibly hard to find), less likely to bleed or break bones by zombie attack, etc. All that can be taken to a limit. Nothing close to being stealthier to zombies, starting with firearms, that would be too unbalanced.

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This should be something that players create themselves. Rocket already said that thats how it should work. He's already said no to currency and markets that aren't player created. Everything in this game is player driven, however the tools are already in place for players to meet up and barter. All we need is a form of chat like radios.

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1. An official quarantine' date=' safety zone, that will let players go, trade, recruit, buy goods, etc(edit: Think the only hard part about this is people with snipers camping the outskirts of town for players to leave, maybe have some buff that will wear off 5 minutes after leaving so you can't be killed.)

Make it yourself. Emergent gameplay.

3. Form of currency in game currency.

No. Trade/Barter.

4. Leveling system so even if you die you can keep some sort of subtle perks that helps you survive easier when respawning. Reaching max levels will give you really good perks, but it will take a long time to level and be hard; dying alot will lower your level.

Already here. Its called experience.

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