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So wait, lemme get this straight...

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When the game updated to 1.7.2 it requires people to start new chars? thats bullshit.

I just spent most of today getting equipment with my friends and you drop a update on us that requires us to start over? what the fuck?

I cant get into any servers but apperently people are playing, iv been told on 6 different servers that you have to start new, i dont want to fucking start new, i want to continue with the amazing shit i spent all day getting.

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Silly bacon, you can't play Dayz without getting screwed over couple of times.

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To unholy, i am not a carebear, i happened to spend almosed 6 hours of my only day with nothing to do collecting things for my team, and now its gone because of stupid ass updates, i already lost all my shit to a hacker last week, and now this?

Seriously i just found everything i needed and now i have to watch all that disapear with no warning.

What a bunch of crap, who knows mabey i can get to my corpse before it despawns

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To unholy' date=' i am not a carebear, i happened to spend almosed 6 hours of my only day with nothing to do collecting things for my team, and now its gone because of stupid ass updates, i already lost all my shit to a hacker last week, and now this?

Seriously i just found everything i needed and now i have to watch all that disapear with no warning.

What a bunch of crap, who knows mabey i can get to my corpse before it despawns


Welcome to a Alpha (herrrdurrr shutup bout it being alpha!) where nothing is set in stone. Pretty sure there is a meme or 50 floating around about just this very situation. "If you get too attached to your gear, you're gunna have a bad time."

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To unholy' date=' i am not a carebear, i happened to spend almosed 6 hours of my only day with nothing to do collecting things for my team, and now its gone because of stupid ass updates, i already lost all my shit to a hacker last week, and now this?

Seriously i just found everything i needed and now i have to watch all that disapear with no warning.

What a bunch of crap, who knows mabey i can get to my corpse before it despawns


Aka Carebear. I don't come here bitching about the stuff I lost. You lose, you gain. Thats the way i see it. Stop bitching and go find more gear.

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Whats the point of this thread? Bitching about how you lost your gear due to an in development mod that is still in alpha and subject to change at any time, and nothing is final yet?

You lost your gear, consider this a chance to start a new adventure.

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