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Join with other players

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I think there should be an an option to join with a player so they can be a team in DayZ. Is there any chance this is possible? :huh:

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If by join, you mean "befriend other people and spend time alongside them with a common goal", then yes, this happens frequently. It might not have happened to YOU, because newer players tend to get shot on sight, because you haven't quite gotten the feel for the culture and customs this game has developed over time. But trust me, it happens. If you don't own a microphone, you can run to a Wal Mart or a Target and pick one up for cheap, I'm using a $21 Logitech that works just fine. That might be your main problem, if you don't have one.

BUT, if you mean actual game support for groups, like WoW has or somehting, then no, there is no in-game UI-type protocol for group leaders, group waypoints, and all that. I think. There actually may be, because I've seen some traces of evidence, but I'v never actually seen it in use.

In all reality, you don't need it. Direct communications, in which you can talk to people within ~30 meters of you, is enough to communicate when you ENCOUNTER people. If you want to arrange a meeting, you can use the General (Preferably Survivor HQ, we don't want to lose you to the Dark Side) forum to do so.

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