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1.7.2 Opinion thread. All your opinions, good and bad, go here.

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I think that they are adding a little to much in the way of suvival in the game. Mind you i love the whole idea but i find myself forgetting im in a zombie world cuz im worried about catching colds temp water food ect... that I tend to forget that the real enemy is the monsters. Now to start off with no wep no water no food seems to me a little much. how can there be a handful of ppl left and u not at least get a pistol or a can of food. Lets not make it impossible here, Another big thing im finding is with everything being reduced to u only having a backpack now is that almost all the buildings are non enterable.... I would like to see at least a can of food and water jug back and a pistol make it empty if u want and u need to find ammo but the pistol itself should at least be with your char upon start up. Loot should be found in an around buildings if u cant enter them and temp should not go up and down so dang much. I love the stealth system it works extreamly well the fireing of wep's when u actually get them works amazing had a sniper rifel once and it was amazing bullet time all that was accounted for when shooting at a longer range. Direct chat is a great idea for ppl who are ballzy i love the game and will continue to convince friends to join me in playing but some things still need working out.

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important alert - all uk servers suck ass. any other countrys servers are working consistently well now but any uk server i try i get stuck "waiting for char to create"

we english are a lackluster folk

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My Character was just reset -_____- i had an M24, NVGs, Rangefinder, GPS, and a revolver off some sniper i killed in cherno. i made it out ofthe city and logged out after a few mins of scoping out the town. when i came back i had lost everything i looted from this guy and am back about 2 hours to were i was with an AKM and no secondary or map/compass !!!

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Still having the same issue, I can't play because when I relog I lose everything in my inventory. Everything is reset to basic item (1 bandage, 1 painkiller, patrol backpack, flashlight.) that's it. I would love some advice. (re-install did not help)

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Perhaps some effort should be placed on improving performance both server side and client side. I get some pretty hardcore FPS lag when I play DayZ, and since we're not allowed to use FPS helper mods, it makes it extremely irritating playing on a less advanced rig.

I've ran into a few hackers that have dropped bombs on me while flying around a magic schoolbus, but I think the hacker situation is generally taken care of, so I'm not really going to complain about that.

Although I haven't played long, DayZ seems to be progressing quite nicely. Good work P:

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So on the weekend and yesterday evening I was finally able to play for more than just one hour. My opinion:

- Infected are really good now, they always Aggro when I'd expect them to, if I want to I can sneak up behind them for a kill, but only if I am careful

- Loosing infected when running around without weapon works fine, distracting still works but not as efficiently as in (maybe just subjective)

- Item spawns seem to be ok, it seems that the Alice pack spawns much more frequently

- Did not have the pleasure of finding / being trapped in a bear trap so don't know how they are done

- the vision of only about 1000m is really low sometimes, it seems to be an ARMA 2 issue, but when using a scope or binocs your vision should actually be extended by at least 500m.

- The visibility / audability changes with rain and fog are really nice and seem to work well with the new zombies

- My two buddies and me who play together had serious FPS drops when going into larger towns or cities. For example in Zelenogorsk my usual 50-60 FPS dropped to 4 FPS after a while (10 minutes ca.). There were not infected visible in the town. Not sure what triggered this - it seems regularly logging in / out is a necessity.

- Gamma can again be adjusted to let people see perfectly during nighttime (not good imo)

- Bone breaking incidents have really been reduced and are now as infrequent as they used to be with version prior to 1.7, which is fine

- Security issues remain at large, this needs to go away

- Servers that are outdated or running hacked up versions to allow banned players still are being listed by Gamespy

Edited by Lukio

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I prefered the zombies in, I could crouch/sneak around for hours without being spoted by them, only going prone when I realy had to. Now, whenever I clear an area I see zombies spawing in all the time, just appearing out of thin air! Sort of kills the tension which the mod had in bucket loads before As for running away from zombies to loose their attention, I loath it, every time it happens, and it happens a lot now because of the new aggro ranges, I can't help but think of Benny Hill...


Next time it happens to you I bet you have the Benny Hill Theme in your head!

Please revert the aggro ranges Rocket....

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ok zombies are a bit stupid now. You can attract them far too easily when you shouldn't...

It would appear zombies can see through walls. I've approached buildings/walls/etc (30-50m away) and a zombie will just run out from behind the building and straight (well I say straight) at me.

I killed a zombie with a hatchet last night. I stopped looked around, no zombies in sight. Hit the corpse a few more times while making stupid comments on Teamspeak...zombies come running in. We tried this again later, swinging the axe in the air caused some zombies to aggro us - if you hit something like a building or whatever it seems to have a better aggro rate. Not sure if they're seeing us or reacting to the "shooting" of the hatchet. Bit annoying.

Also not really noticed this bug before (I'm sure it's already been covered but I'll carry on anyway) but if you log out with a hatchet in the primary slot when you log back in it's unloaded with no 'ammo' to reload, in order to fix that you need to put it in your toolbelt and then back.

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All is good and well just for:

- Vehicles seem to spawn less often.

- Haven't found a single ghillie suit or camo suit yet in residential area's. Been looking for one for ages, but with no luck and i am not the only one. I have seen so much players with the same problem the i'm pretty sure its been changed or it bugged. Please shed some light on this.

- When its day light some zombies spot you a little to fast but its actually very manageable when you move slow. The down side is that you open you self up for players. But hey, that's what Dayz is all about i guess.

- Major FPS issues at some point when its day light.

Edited by Cryptex

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I logged off with 1 tent in my bag.

I logged back in. Now my bag has 2 tents.

I logged off.

I logged back in, now with 4 tents in my bag.

I think I should get into the tent selling business.

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Most of the changes are good with the exceptions of the removal of bandit skins and Zombies being overpowered.

The removal of Bandit skins has removed any barrier between altruistic people and trolls. People are shooting other survivors on sight because of the paranoia, basically it has become every man for himself.

With the Zombies. It's from one extreme to the next. Now they are way over powered. I keep my detection levels low, with at most one bar showing in visibility and sound. Despite this, Zombies are aggroed even when they can't see me or hear me, AT NIGHT! The last straw was when a hopper spotted me, about 100 meters away even though I was crouched, not moving AT NIGHT!. They have become way too sensitive now. of course escaping them is nearly impossible without injury. And also Zombies spawning literally right in front of me while I'm sneaking around. All this ruins the stealth aspect of the game. Before they were too easy, now they are too difficult to the point of it being game breaking.

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I think its a bit broken.. Like loot seems a bit buggy, and doesnt seems to spawn in some servers.. Also, car spawns seems broken too. Like i found a freakin fully repaired offroad in cherno, i found 2 boats, an atv, a gaz, a vohla... All that stuff in like 2 days.. What the f?? xDD usually it takes ages for me to find a car lol

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Can infected hear? I know before they could hear through walls which was a PITA, but it now seams to have gone the other way. The Enfield doesn't cause as much aggro'ing as it did a month ago. Shame, I think, but it now appears to be the simple-tech primary of choice.

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Can infected hear? I know before they could hear through walls which was a PITA, but it now seams to have gone the other way. The Enfield doesn't cause as much aggro'ing as it did a month ago. Shame, I think, but it now appears to be the simple-tech primary of choice.

I accidentally shot the Enfield RIGHT behind a zed, like less than 5mts, he didn't even noticed it lol. And then you have the other zombie, that you are crawling and he starts running towards you from miles away.

I don't know if empty cans and bottles worked on older versions, but now they seem to have no effect, throwing empty bottles next to a zombie doesn't do anything, with the only thing I can get their attention is with smoke granades, frags don't do anything either.

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Kinda agree with the removal of the Ghillie Suit on loot tables.

I think it should be something only 5+ish day survivors should be able to wear. It's not something some gas station attendant would know how to properly use, but a civilian who has been around for a while? Maybe...

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I think the longer people manage to survive the more zombies they should've to face (or the more should spawn next to them).

This would also make sense for people who just start without a weapon, this is well managable when theres only 2-3 zombies around. It would also increase the replay value, the longer you stay alive the harder the game gets and would veterans force to think about with whom and when they group up with other people.

Would it be even possible to implement something like this as a test?

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But zombies are piss easy to loose. You don't even have to kill 1 if you know what you're doing.

Zeds needs to be harder and smarter but not so fast, zigzagy and buggy. Right now they feel like angry olympic runners that have problem with keeping one direction and with an ability to occasionally go through walls.

Get rid of server hopping, disconnecting in a fight and duping. Reset every char and tent cause right now if a group of 10 people finds a DMR, everyone has it within seconds. Those are the gamebreaking things at the moment that need to be taken care of.

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Server hopping is a problem, I had a guy pinned down in a deer stand and ofc he logs out because he knows he's toast. That's a hard thing to stop. There needs to be some sort of (in combat) fail-safe to stop them logging out and if they just close the application their character stays there so I can pop the cheating bugger, similar to World of Warcraft or other MMOs where if you are in combat you can't log out. (FFS can't believe I brought up WoW, 3 years clean from that drug).

The buggy running Zeds I can deal with, it's alpha and I'm sure they know about that problem and are looking for ways to combat it. I'll run, hide, break LoS, get into buildings, anything to stop from making too much noise in high populated areas. I have seen people with 300-400-500 Zed kills and to me, that means you're killing them for fun or you have been alive since the mod came out. Although I play solo so this also might be why my Zed Kill Count is only 100ish.

One thing I have noticed is for a solo player, you will or can eventually get a little bored. The game/mod is about survival, not doing anything stupid, looting food, drink, medical supplies and basically staying safe. This is all fine at the start, you have goals.

(1) I need to find water,

(2) I need to find food

(3) I need to find a weapon

(4) I need to find equipment to hunt and cook my own food

(5) I need to find a bigger bag

(6) I need to find a secondary weapon or/and better primary weapon

(7) erm........now what??

It got to the stage of either finding a sniper rifle and taking noobs out who like to run towards barracks in a straight line or go on suicide missions in Elektro and Cherno, running around like a knobhead.

I felt like Arnold Schwarzenegger near the end of the movie Predator screaming:-

"Come on do it, come on I'm here, kill me, I'm here, come on do it now!!Kill me I'm here!!!"

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DE 320 get shot by an invisible player on this server. Just see the blood in the air tryed to shoot at this position and got killed.

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DayZ is nothing but the biggest pile of dog shit ever programmed. I've managed to get a hatchet 3 times, and all three times after getting them the system somehow fucks me over by killing me or setting me unconsious. Fuck DayZ I'm going War Z.

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Maybe its just me, first day playing, but every character I've had so far has gotten an infection when below 36C. I think this needs to happen less often or drain blood much slowly because it becomes really hard to see and play just from starting out in a bad location with no shelters and no weapons.

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The Zeds are way too overpowered now and it virtually impossible to loot residential areas without aggro.

the Loot spawns are too tight, finding a Compass is too rare to make the game playable with a fresh spawned player.

as much as i love the game it's becoming even more difficult to survive

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Ok, my opinion:

I'm a bit confused as to why rocket stated in his recent interview that battleye is sufficient and doing a great job at detecting hacks. This is simply not true. Whether you are aware of it or not, there are thousands of hackers with EXTREMELY malicious hacks coming onto any server they like and nuke everyone within seconds, killing every single character currently online. Not to mention the numerous other hacks that mess with the entire physics of this game.

Let me explain to you why these (undetected) hacks are harmful to DayZ in general: Some servers have griefing hackers or "script-users" come back constantly to kill everyone online. This not only frustrates the hundreds of people who play on there constantly, but also has caused server hosts to shut down their servers entirely, and discontinuing support for DayZ altogether. When you step back and look at the big picture, you will see that this is happening on at least a third of the servers at the moment, making this quite a big issue and loss in DayZ support.

Any statement from your side mentioning that this mod is in alpha is irrelevant for this topic as rocket has clearly stated that he believes battleye is doing a great job and is reliable. Battleye is not in alpha, correct me if i'm wrong... I would really not worry about this if you actually acknowledged the fact that hacking is a large and very real problem for DayZ and that you will consider adding in custom detection mod-side. Only then, will i shut up about this, as i am understanding of alpha development stages. However, please do not rely on a third-party that is actually not at all reliable.

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So, I'm a new player an I don't really know how it was before, but I feel like if its night time and I have 0 bars of visibility and 0-1 bar of sound, I shouldn't get aggro at all unless I get right next to a zombie. (Basically, holding shift to walk slowly, or crawling around.)

I tried twice to sneak around in a town to gather supplies, and both times a zombie either spawned on top of me or ran up behind me from really far away, because I was looking behind me a lot. I was holding shift the entire time. What's extra strange is that the flashlight doesn't seem to affect how visible I am to the zombies. I can shine it directly into one's eyes and it just keeps shambling around, but I can crawl around in prone with it off and be aggroed by a crawler that came from who knows where. As it is, it seems really inconsistent and random when a zombie is going to aggro me, and I don't feel like I can predict it well enough to work around it.

At one point, I snuck up behind a zombie (0 visibility bars and 0 sound bars the entire time) with the intention of killing it with a hatchet. It was ignoring me until the moment before I swung when it instantly flipped around to face me (It didn't turn, it just was suddenly facing me) Smacked me once, then teleported behind me, smacked me again, and my character passed out immediately. I feel like the sound and sight bars are a little bit deceptive right now. 0 bars of sound should mean that I'm not making any sound, shouldn't it?

Edited by FalafelCopter

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