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{CQF} PFC Demyan

Seeking Survivors interested in SURVIVING, and Server Recommendations

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I notice alot of people suiciding when they start in a rough patch or hit bad luck early on. I've got no interest in this. I also see alot of people shooting on sight. I've got no interest in this either.

Trolls can tell me to deal, and I do, but I know that there are Survivors out there like me. Survivors that aren't in it to bum rush town in the hopes of finding a gun before they're eaten alive, and aren't going to nail the first unknown survivor they see. So here I am, looking for you, if you do the following:

1) You play to survive as long as possible, whatever the odds

2) You don't suicide because your spawn was inconvenient

3) You play your role and fight, kill or flee when its warranted

4) You can be a robber or bandit - whatever - but you will let your victims leave with their life and won't shoot them in the back because "it's a game"

5) You have a working Mic and use your directionals whenever possible

That sums it up. I know you're out there, and if you're willing to play you'll get a cut of what food, ammo and medicine is found. That's how it works.

I'm also looking for server recommendations. I haven't really seen any awful servers as of yet, but my preference is a server with a community that works at upholding the role playing aspect of Day Z and punishes players for "exploiting" the game (d/cing to dodge the bullet, mindless killing, spawn camping, etc).

Hope to hear back from ya'll soon. This mod is beastly, but the real fun comes from playing with the right people.


As I understand it from the forums, private servers are currently not allowed but there are some that are password protected. Are these "private" servers worth checking out? Any particular ones that are better than the others? Any feedback here before having to sign up for yet another forum would be great.

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I notice alot of people suiciding when they start in a rough patch or hit bad luck early on. I've got no interest in this. I also see alot of people shooting on sight. I've got no interest in this either.

Trolls can tell me to deal' date=' and I do, but I know that there are Survivors out there like me. Survivors that aren't in it to bum rush town in the hopes of finding a gun before they're eaten alive, and aren't going to nail the first unknown survivor they see. So here I am, looking for you, if you do the following:

1) You play to survive as long as possible, whatever the odds

2) You don't suicide because your spawn was inconvenient

3) You play your role and fight, kill or flee when its warranted

4) You can be a robber or bandit - whatever - but you will let your victims leave with their life and won't shoot them in the back because "it's a game"

5) You have a working Mic and use your directionals whenever possible

That sums it up. I know you're out there, and if you're willing to play you'll get a cut of what food, ammo and medicine is found. That's how it works.

I'm also looking for server recommendations. I haven't really seen any awful servers as of yet, but my preference is a server with a community that works at upholding the role playing aspect of Day Z and punishes players for "exploiting" the game (d/cing to dodge the bullet, mindless killing, spawn camping, etc).

Hope to hear back from ya'll soon. This mod is beastly, but the real fun comes from playing with the right people.



As I understand it from the forums, private servers are currently not allowed but there are some that are password protected. Are these "private" servers worth checking out? Any particular ones that are better than the others? Any feedback here before having to sign up for yet another forum would be great.

I have not yet killed another player. I'm playing alot like you, don't shoot on sight, and try to survive as long as possible. Whenever i see someone, I say friendly, and then it's up to them what they are.

add me on steam: royalnoobtuber

PS. I do have a mic.

Take care :)

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Thanks for the line in Royal, I'll add you and look forward to the company.

Have you found any particular servers that have caught your eye, any recommendations, or are you just hopping to and fro for the time being?

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Thanks for the line in Royal' date=' I'll add you and look forward to the company.

Have you found any particular servers that have caught your eye, any recommendations, or are you just hopping to and fro for the time being?


Well, i only play on regular servers, since veteran servers has no 3rd person, and i'm shitting myself everytime i hear a zombie behind me.

Other than that, the server just has to be in daylight, i absolutely hate playing in the darkness. You can't see anything :D

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Playing at night is definitely a hair raiser. It's a serious challenge, one I enjoy, but until I'm properly equipped to face the night I think it's best to avoid it.

Found any locations / safe houses you hope to fortify? It's a thought for once I find a more permanent server to play in, but I found a factory in Cherno's NE industrial district that's due east of the train yard (Marked by a large smoke stack) that is surrounded by military medical tents. Every time I've been, I've found crates filled with medical supplied and at least one firearm. If you haven't been, I would check it out. I would also be careful. Never had a problem up at the roost on top of the smoke stack, but the vantage it gives you can show just how fucked the situation below is getting...

Cherno's a deathwish anyhow. But that particular area is a must find with a fresh character. It requires no travel INTO the city, can be approached from the outskirts and has a nearby barn that serves as a relatively safe checkpoint back into the woods.

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Very Interested in playing with you because my play style is the same. I am very new to the game... hope that isnt a deal breaker but I have a mic and would love to play with you.


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What server/time zone do you play? I mostly play on the West Coast Seattle servers. Also looking to survive.

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