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There needs to be balance, NOT ALL PVP, NOT ALL COOP

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You can't make everybody happy, choosing how to go about dealing with coop and PVP incentives/rewards/punishments is what will shape this game, IMO DETERRING pvp is the way to go encouraging coop more then PVP is the key since PVP should ONLY reward the PVPer with the loot of the person they killed, nothing more nothing less.

Analogy: PVPing is like having a one night stand, Coop is like being in love.

(Ones a one off that can be done over and over with the same result, the other is a lengthy more rewarding experience that can have different outcomes.)

Coop has the potential to have way more depth and should be elaborated on more....that is why movies, books and any other form of zombie media is usually telling a story of COOPERATION instead of human genocide most the dumbass PVP people just love killing people virtually, and are usually just trigger happy idiots who know nothing else except to indulge....so ya if you think there is some deep philosophical reasoning behind the killing...there isn't its unintelligent virtual extermination that people do for kicks since they can't do it in real life. I merely say that because i thought this mod wanted to be taken seriously, but to have the most of it just be mindless killing just seems how it is now is a waste.

THEN AGAIN i could be utterly wrong on the assumption of how the developers envisioned the game. But until they make a definitive remark on the matter of what is more important (coop or PVP) ill stick by that assumption

Personally I really don't think there is a logical reason why killing others should be more encouraged or advantageous compared to working with others and succeeding together. There is however a logical reason why it should be less advantageous and discouraged; the game gives nothing else to do except kill others right now, so ya that is all people are doing.

Analogy: The human world....we kill each other on occasion but overall we work together to attain a mutual goal.

(To be honest it is just a disturbing balance between helping and damning)


The way the game is now is UNREALISTIC and PVP needs to be tamed or balanced so that it holds a nice balance with cooperation.

There shouldn't be one over the other (at least to the extent as it is now where the VAST majority are doing one thing over the other)

P.S i would be making the exact same arguement if COOPERATION was the thing that there was too much of. Also typing is a nice activity to do so even if this gets nothing but flamed or stupid posts flood the thread or if it gets completely ignored, doesn't matter the enjoyment was already fulfilled. Time to let it be discussed or let it die; since there have been many similar posts containing rants or complaints, i just post this because the topic of BALANCE doesn't seem to be much of a factor when it comes to the opinion on how the game is now mainly there is just one side or the other bickering how their way is better.

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Short answer is. People make the balance scale. Behavior and play style. It's the human element.

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nope day 14, little insulted you think of it as a pvp rant...when there is not even that much caps locking and !!@!!@$@#!@ stuff but hey im sure you didn't read all that much so ignorance is to blame.

Meh though do keep posting it is always fun to read replies and reply back.

Short answer is. People make the balance scale. Behavior and play style. It's the human element.

The human element is flawed why do you think rules are in just about everything....should this have a ton of rules no...just saying when you leave something entirely up to the "Human element" well it usually ends up sucking sorry just fact look at anarchy...

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nope day 14' date=' little insulted you think of it as a pvp rant...when there is not even that much caps locking and !!@!!@$@#!@ stuff but hey im sure you didn't read all that much so ignorance is to blame.

Meh though do keep posting it is always fun to read replies and reply back.


Short answer is. People make the balance scale. Behavior and play style. It's the human element.

The human element is flawed why do you think rules are in just about everything....should this have a ton of rules no...just saying when you leave something entirely up to the "Human element" well it usually ends up sucking sorry just fact look at anarchy...

The game is anarchy.

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Gee whiz, another thread like this? So what you're saying is you believe the game should have pvp and coop and coop is more rewarding? And that anyone who pvps couldn't possibly be doing it simply because its what they enjoy more?

I run with my buddies and we, while playing the coop side, tend to shoot everyone on sight. What?! Pvp AND coop? Did I just blow your fucking mind?

If you have a no-shit gameplay suggestion put it where it belongs. If you don't and just have an opinion put it in one of the other threads.

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If the human element is flawed, and they technically make the rules... Does that make the rules flawed? I don't get your point. Humans make rules which you like, but humans are flawed...

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Nothing is encouraged in DayZ other than survival. The game will not be balanced and there will not be punishments for killing other players. It's not a game, it's an anti-game, it's an experiment, I suggest you do some reading and realize the intent and scope of this mod. Rocket has posted A LOT of information that may help you decide whether or not you'd like to continue playing DayZ.

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I don't think the real zombie apocalypse is going to be balanced, so why should DayZ?

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Yeah the OP stated no original ideas this isn't even a suggestion thread. The game is not broken at all, try hooking up your mike and using direct chat. Me and my roommate drove 1 of our cars to the coast to try and lose it/have an adventure and I met 8 different friendly people who didn't shoot me once we talked to each other.

The human element is what makes this game amazing. Go watch some you tube videos there is just basic mechanics in this game and every great youtube video is all about the HUMAN element and what people are thinking of with the mechanics they are given.

Here's my video we used tank traps as a TRAP instead of blocking off buildings, there is co-op here and PVP so be warned its going to blow your freakin mind

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Coop has the potential to have way more depth and should be elaborated on more....that is why movies, books and any other form of zombie media is usually telling a story of COOPERATION instead of human genocide

Can you give me an example of some zombie fiction that does not include instances of human-on-human violence or murder? The climax of Night of the Living Dead is human-on-human violence when Ben murders Harry. The movie also ends with HvH violence when Ben is killed by "friendly fire." The climax of 28 Days Later is HvH violence where Jim pushes this thumbs through the eye-hole of another human, not a zombie. The movie also contains execution stlye killings, sexual slavery and gang rape. The Road is not zombie fiction, but is post-apocalyptic. It includes banditry, kidnapping, murder, infanticide, cannibalism, rape and suicide. The Walking Dead is full of HvH violence, mistrust, betrayal and murder.

Help me out. What zombie fiction are you talking about that's all about cooperation and friendship?

most the dumbass PVP people...trigger happy idiots

Dumbasses? Idiots? You reveal yourself so willingly not as someone who is concerned with being true to zombie literature or making the game better, but simply as somone who has an inherent bias against people who enjoy PvP.

But until they make a definitive remark on the matter of what is more important (coop or PVP) ill stick by that assumption

Coop and PvP are not mutually exclusive. They don't compete with one another. I can cooperate with others in order to PvP. Cooperation and PvP are just two parts of the game. Increasing one does not decrease the other, nor vice versa.

That being said, there has been a definitive remark. rocket has said on multiple occasions, most recently in an interview at Rezzed, that players, not zombies, will be the primary threat in DayZ.

Personally I really don't think there is a logical reason why killing others should be more encouraged or advantageous compared to working with others

It's not more advantageous. It's actually far more dangerous. Despite bandits only being 18% of players, they account for over 40% of deaths. This means the life of a bandit is already very dangerous and not very advantageous.

Just because they get some gear doesn't mean they're more likely to survive. They are constantly putting themselves in harm's way and coming under fire, and they die far more often than regular players. Not least of which because they fight each other as often as they fight anyone else. "Bandit" is not a singular group of people.

the game gives nothing else to do except kill others right now

I've played over 500 hours and have never made PvP a primary goal. If you can't find things to do in the game it can only because you lack an imagination.

Analogy: The human world....we kill each other on occasion but overall we work together to attain a mutual goal.

The human world went away. That's kind of the problem we're dealing with at the moment.

The way the game is now is UNREALISTIC and PVP needs to be tamed or balanced so that it holds a nice balance with cooperation.

It already does.

(at least to the extent as it is now where the VAST majority are doing one thing over the other)

18% is a vast majority?

Anything else?

Are we done here?

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The forums really need a rule where if someone uses the word "realistic" in a post about a zombie apocalypse in a made up soviet splinter state it's closed instantly.

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nope day 14' date=' little insulted you think of it as a pvp rant...when there is not even that much caps locking and !!@!!@$@#!@ stuff but hey im sure you didn't read all that much so ignorance is to blame.

Meh though do keep posting it is always fun to read replies and reply back.


Short answer is. People make the balance scale. Behavior and play style. It's the human element.

The human element is flawed why do you think rules are in just about everything....should this have a ton of rules no...just saying when you leave something entirely up to the "Human element" well it usually ends up sucking sorry just fact look at anarchy...

The game is anarchy.

No the game is DayZ...if there was no zombies i would love this game for being so PVP heavy...but theres zombies...

The forums really need a rule where if someone uses the word "realistic" in a post about a zombie apocalypse in a made up soviet splinter state it's closed instantly.

Ironic since all i heard back in may was OMG REALISTIC THIS REALISTIC THAT....also i use the word literally like once...seriously....get over yourself.

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There is a lot of coop going on while PVPing. You really have to have a well coordinated group to get to win some PVP engagements. But I do agree that some more PVE elements would be nice since only killing Zeds as PVE and eating/drinking/heating up isn't really that exciting. Maybe the ability to produce your own ammo/weapons and so on. But PVP is and will be the most fun part in any game. At least for me.

And of course that here as well:

The forums really need a rule where if someone uses the word "realistic" in a post about a zombie apocalypse in a made up soviet splinter state it's closed instantly.

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The ignorance here is staggering. Has Rocket not said what seems to be dozens of dozens of times that bandit play will never be punished, that and punishment no matter the scale would break the game at the core, his words not mine.

Seriously, what is wrong with you people.

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Yeah the OP stated no original ideas this isn't even a suggestion thread. The game is not broken at all' date=' try hooking up your mike and using direct chat. Me and my roommate drove 1 of our cars to the coast to try and lose it/have an adventure and I met 8 different friendly people who didn't shoot me once we talked to each other.

The human element is what makes this game amazing. Go watch some you tube videos there is just basic mechanics in this game and every great youtube video is all about the HUMAN element and what people are thinking of with the mechanics they are given.

Here's my video we used tank traps as a TRAP instead of blocking off buildings, there is co-op here and PVP so be warned its going to blow your freakin mind


The youtube videos are like commercials for fast food places...it all looks appealing on the screen then bam...

I have 3 similar stories that end completely opposite each one contained a group and a car...each time there was killing 2/3 times the car was destroyed...ya the cooperation you seem to be trying to imply the game has is a large minority (unless your with friends or VOIP group) direct chat has almost always never happened since bullets apparently is the only language they spoke.

P.S i didn't really think of this as a suggestion it can be interpreted as such but i meant it for a discussion but i forgot how insane i am. Posting something half way sensible is automatically filtered into a category of PVP LOVE or PVP HATE...nothing but bigots to discuss things with (at least on the topic of PVP)

Also ya the topic of PVP and COOP is ran into the ground but the second it stops being discussed is the second it is forgotten/not cared about.

Its funny to me how people think the game is perfect the way it is now...which is just laughable since its an alpha...then people just use that as an excuse for bugs but god forbid a new feature is added then thats all you hear about...people just constantly frame things in a way where it conveniently benefits their viewpoint, it is kind of tiring. The fact is this game is going to change. Hopefully it succeeds in balancing the features it gives.

For example cooperation gameplay and lone wolf PVP should have distinctions if you give both play styles the exact same capabilities what will be the point? PVP is the easy way to do things while coop is just un rewarding (ya ya power in numbers, not really when you become dead or incapacitated in 1-3 hits) Do you see what im getting at? The rule of good and bad is that the good way is the harder and more rewarding road while bad is quicker and easier way, giving bad more reward than good but easier and quicker...is just unbalanced.

The ignorance here is staggering. Has Rocket not said what seems to be dozens of dozens of times that bandit play will never be punished' date=' that and punishment no matter the scale would break the game at the core, his words not mine.

Seriously, what is wrong with you people.


Seriously do you not know what the word DETER means look it up it doesn't fucking mean punish

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"Punishing bandit play is not within the scope of the game, if we do that, we DESTROY everything. If we compromise on that, the project loses it's core." - Rocket

Gee Gee

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every thread that mentions "realism" with pvp should be deleted.

Last time a checked killing was realistic in fact it happens a lot i believe there are these things called wars where the main activity is to have a team death match. But hey maybe im wrong and since i don't see killing on my front porch it must not exist in the world anywhere


"Punishing bandit play is not within the scope of the game' date=' if we do that, we DESTROY everything. If we compromise on that, the project loses it's core." - Rocket

Gee Gee


So uh let me guess you didn't read? And just auto assumed this is a OMG PVP GTFO thread...right well let me help you understand, do try and keep up i will use BIG PRINT and small sentence structure to help you comprehend and save time since time is so precious to you...after all it is not like we are on a forum...talking about a game...that is literally just a giant time sink (entertaining as it may be).

So ya (ahem)



Now i know that second one was a bit of a doozy but im sure it only took you 2 second to read i hope it was not that time consuming, overall the post should have taken less than 30 seconds to read...comprehending it however...is based on the individual.

P.S I do (half) apologize for going all condescending but uh ya ignorant replies tend to just flip that switch ya know?

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Personally, I love the choice we have. Everyone will view what is better for them. You start hunting players, you're putting yourself at risk. You don't know if they have friends around. You don't know if you're spending ammo on a guy with just a hatchet, a bandage and a flashlight or if he's hiding blood packs and morphine.

On the flip side, co op with others has that safety to it, but also it can slow you down quite a bit. You have to take the wants and needs of the party into account. If someone breaks their leg, do you leave them? Do you do a run for them or bring them with you to the Hospital?

These are all relative to the player. Everyone will want something different out of Day Z, and leaving that choice up to the player is what makes this game for me. One day I might want to become a bandit. Until then, I have my friends I play with.

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Show me a thread that is unhappy with the current no consequence banditry and wants change, and I will show you a thread that complains about no consequence banditry. Whoa.

Honestly, I mean no disrespect, but understand that I am rather sure you could find the same general subject without going more than 10 pages in. This song and dance is not new and rather indicative of your personal play style not meshing well with this mod, but I am sure everyone here appreciates your hash of it... At least the trolls.

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Learn to use some punctuation with your sentences, OP.

More to the point, you don't get to decide the way anyone plays. You're a whiny ass kid who obviously has no one to play with, and you just cannot handle what this mod actually is supposed to be. Go play Left 4 Dead or something more suited to your playing style, or learn to make some damn friends. With that having been said, I doubt anyone would ever want to play with someone QQing as much as you.

If I had one bullet, and I had to choose between you or a zombie, I'd shoot you. People have posted tons of Rocket quotes for you. It isn't ever going to change into the game you want...EVER. Do us all a favor and just Alt-F4 for good.

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