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hacksaw (DayZ)

Gear suggestions, and Omega Man single player?

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Suggestions (gear and otherwise), sorry if any of these have been mentioned before

1) camp stove, less visible fire, but takes longer to cook meat (i.e. less visible at night, but you have to sit still longer)

2) shelter tent, so if you're in the rain or it's nighttime you can find someplace to get your temp up if you want to hide in the woods

3) use empty tin cans to drink water, but can't carry the water with you

4) sleeping bag, 5 minutes rest gives you 1000 blood back, but you are immobile and screen is black while you are sleeping, only gunfire or other party members (if there) can wake you up if they need to before 5 minutes is up

5) zombies can go after livestock if they are detected (maybe even slowly gravitate towards them like they do survivors). Maybe if the zombie gets close it attacks, animal could have a chance to kick (and kill) the zombie, and zombie could infect or kill the animal if the animal takes a certain amount of damage. Finding untainted meat might be harder.

6) single player mod - yeah, i know, not rocket's intent, but I think if you nerfed drop rates on military gear, NVG's etc., maybe had a repairable helicopter in Berizino, but you had to get parts from most of the major cities, etc. to escape that could be kind of an intense Omega Man type scenario, hopefully without a lot of work. Would still be challenging since nobody would be there to help you if went unconscious, give blood transfusions, etc., especially with random locations for stuff to fix boat so actually had to scour a city. Vehicles used could break and need repair easier so you couldn't just drive around to get everything (maybe some kind of road block in front of cities so you have to go on foot?).

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