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Mays (DayZ)

Things coming in the next update.

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"DayZ updates to add dogs and bear traps"


I apologize if this has been already discussed in like 50 million threads.

Interesting, what's your views on this? I think it's awesome!

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recently heard about the dogs, i think if you feed it cooked meat it should follow you and kill zombies....i am almost certain they will have hostile and coop options also hypes me up thinking they will add more hostile animals so the forests are a danger just of a different form.

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I'm sure they will make the forests more dangerous eventually. It's a shame though, it's the only place you can feel relatively safe as a solo player.

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Running through the woods Blair Witch Project style, flashlight flapping everywhere - breifly illuminating the ground ahead... Hounded by a pack of dogs.

So long as you can train them into a group of zombies, and make a quick get-away.

While I welcome the addition of a new animal, I hope they aren't too common. The wilderness should be safer than the cities still.. But it'll nice to have reason to keep your wits about you.

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or they could make a super zombie beast thing, just one on each server that lerks in the wild, that would be cool, because then you would massively freak setting up a fire place i mean it would be scary as bleep, but it should be able to go to nw and areas so far out. :D

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