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Hearing flies and a scream.

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I am a very big n00b at dayZ, I only got it yesterday and have yet to find a single weapon. My best thing found so far is a crowbar, that cant be used to hit zombies -_-

So after logging on, I immediately hear the buzzing of flies. Heavy buzzing, my first though is to look in a building I was near, it was very loud but the building has 2 rooms, and neither had a body. I went outside and looked around the building until I couldnt hear flies. No body found where I heard the flies, any reason why? Also, before I logged out I heard a scream, like someone dying. Anyone else?

Also, 2 small questions - I found a crowbar, but I couldnt attack zombies with (I have default controls) left mouse? Is this just a utility item?

- What should I do when I spawn, and where to go for loot? And how do I know where I am in relation to where a weapon is?

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The bodies are bugged I think, they dissappear randomly and the flies are still there.

Sometimes they dissappear in less than a few seconds after they're dead.

dunno about the crowbar.

You should go around and loot, kamenka is one of the best places for a new player.

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To use crowbar as a weapon open your inventory (defaul G). Right clickyour crowbar and select "Remove from toolbelt" This will equip the crowbar as a primary weapon.

And for the bodies - They sometimes disapear and the flies sound stays.

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If you're a bit newby and you want to join me, sure thing! I don't have a working mic so Direct Comm/Steam would be needed. Unless you wanted to speak using Steam Voice Chat and I listen.

Just PM me.

As for your questions, I hear a lot of flies, sometimes it's Zombies or 'decoration' dead bodies. Ones that can't be looted/moved/hidden. It can also be a bug in which the body disappears and still makes fly noises.

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if you hide the body, do you still hear flies?

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Also on the crowbar. While I havent used one myself I assume it works the same way as the axe. When you equip it in your main weapon slot you will need to "reload" it initially.

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