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New survivor looking for a partner.

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I just started playing this game and realized quickly that I will be a lot safer with other peoples after spending 1-2 hours on a bike escaping from everything.

I perfere if you use Skype and would love to get a small group of players, I speak both English and Swedish. Do you have a healthy humor and are you above the age of 16 and think you got what it takes to move, fight and survive in a group?

Then please contact me trough a PM or just add Aquilion on steam.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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that would be cool. can you give me your skype addy? i am well armed at the moment but i need someone who gives me blood.

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I am not sure I want a partner who is only interested in my blood :P

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i have the blood. and ill try to protect you untill you are well armed, too^^ maybe you will have to protect ME then haha :D

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Qazael, add wattoucheng on Steam buddy. I'd be very interested in playing with you (I'm sorta of a new player too, aka, I played a couple of times before the 1.7.1 Patch). Btw, I'm a Portuguese/English/German speaking player!

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Hi guys. New survivor on the west coast. I am definitely interested in a few friends and partners. Add BrownBear on steam or mr-brownbear on skype. Thanks!

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Hey guys, lookin' for a group to play with for my first time. I'm not completely incapable though, I've played Arma II and I played Kronzky's SP mission, so I know how what's what but I figure it'll be a much safer start if I'm with a group.

Add me on Steam if you're interested; http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045340963

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Hey I'm definitely interested! Been wanting to play with a group for a while but have just been lazy :P I'm usually only on late at night (12am-3am CST, 6am-9am GMT) but I'm on occasionally during the day (I work nights).

I have a mic and speak English and okay German.

I found 3 matches for you, and I'm not sure which one is correct.

This is me: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066452186

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