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Fully explorable buildings

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I know this is a big suggestion that takes work, but I think it would be a really big improvement with every single building have a building like environment... some of the coolest most atmospheric parts of survival games are the vast labyrinths and passages of the insides of derelict buildings, with basements and everything. Perhaps sometimes even cool things to find like underground basement networks, as an alternative to route to travel and explore? With their own benefits and dangers.

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Here's hoping for a custom map with fully open buildings! Maybe in Arma3?

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I find myself getting frustrating finding a building and learning that it's one of the many that you can't enter. I fully understand that it is how the map was made, no biggy.

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I can't remember where I read it, but ARMA 3 is supposed to have all buildings enterable.

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I'd be happy if there were more places with stuff. Tents, bunkers etc. Maybe even a few abandoned camping sites in the woods.

Got a feeling looting is going to get pretty dull rather fast once you learn to recognize every building you can and can't enter.

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If it were easy to do they would have already done it. Someone would have, even before DayZ came about. It's not easy and would require tons of custom modelling work.

Why are two threads about the exact same thing here?

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