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U.B.C.S. Ravin

U.B.C.S. Story. Showdown at the Airfield.

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Lately things have been going rather well for the U.B.C.S. Constant Squad rounds through the group, several snipers, point-men and we have set up a base...

Well two bases. A outpost in Northwest airfield because we can route out supplies easier when we are clearing it out.

After getting lost in this thread for several hours Blue and I missed our time to farm out Chopper Crashes during the midnight restart.

Four a.m. starts to roll around and Hop's wakes up, so does Ooski. Ooski is our token black member, who will destroy people with his L85. Hes a pretty sick player. I am very much glad he is on our squad.

Not even a few minutes logged in, Blue with his SVD camo points out 'Hey guys, I am seeing Zed's at the far hanger." Ooski, Hop's, and Myself all pause and face the Firehouse. Another few seconds pass more M4A1 shots ring out. I take point, Ooski hangs on my left and Hop's covers the rear.

As we approach the Firestation, we hear more shots go off. Blue reports he last saw the individual inside the firestation, we have barbed wire setup ALL over the firestation to prevent server hoppers. So we know the only way out is out the back now.

I swap plug a M203 Nade into the M4A3 Holo "Switching to HE Grenades"

Blue calls into the Mic. "You going to throw some Grenades in there?"

"I am gonna shoot some fucking 203's in there, yeah." I laugh a bit.

Ooski says over the mic. "Switching to Full Auto."

Stepping up through the industrial area near the spawn, we stop as we hear more shots, dropping into prone and snugging up next to the side of the fence. More shots ring out and the guy draws the zombies over. We can make him out between the buildings right behind the two barracks you can't enter right behind the fire station.

"I see him." Ooski says.

"Yeah, I see him too, watch this I am gonna make him shit his pants." I slowly creep over to the gap of the fence and take aim and launch a grenade. It explodes against the side of the building. Blue informs me later that I hit him dead in the face, but at the time, I don't see a 'you have been killed' count. I fire a second M203 HE and it hits the same spot. We notice a player is now in the lobby we had been monitoring. We assume the man disconnected.

Ooski suggests, "Lets clear out the firestation while we are here." Now, I hate the firestation. I setup so many tanktraps and barbed wire in that place its a death trap. But after not killing the guy I sigh out.

"Yeah, lets clear it up." Back on point I step into the firestation.

Shots suddenly rattle my legs and I drop down, shouting. "Holy fuck a player!" I return fire into the corner and die, though Ooski and Hops swing around the building and Ooski ends up killing the guy.

As they start to sweep out the area, Ooski sees a THIRD player come in. "Shit guys another player!"

"Unload on him!" I call into the mic as I am in Chenro. I picked up a Camo on the way from running through Chenro.

Ooski kills the second guy. For some reason, the guy I shot in the face with an M203 logged back in died... So that was three kills, three bodies to loot.

Blue runs over from his sniping spot, but on the way he notices a fourth corpse in the hanger next to were the firefight had broken out... That body had a pair of NVG's on him. Explaining why these guys didn't log out of the server potentially.

We come out of the firefight with two extra NVG's and Rangefinders. Blue and Hop's wait a bit, noone else is around and they log out. Ooski also logs out after checking the barracks and he relaxes.

Norrok gets on and I explain to him we have a set of NVG's now for him from the firefight. At this point, these isn't much left for us to get besides a few ghillie suits and some silenced M4A1 SD's.

"So Ravin, what do you need man?"

"Me? Just a M4A1 SD, though I like that M4A3 Holo..."

I shit you not, as I am running the south side of the airfield before the wall, SOME player runs out infront of me from the brush.

"... HOLY SHIT A PLAYER!" I raise the AKM I found in Chenro and unload into the guy, he tries to run away but I gun him in the back. I approach the corpse and check him for loot. "...Hey Norrok, guess what this guy had..."

The corpse had a M4A1 SD, M24 and some M107 mags. I drop the AKM and hug my old rifle.

It was, to say the least, a very eventful night.

Video up until I died. Stopped fraps after that point.

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@ Adub - I actually got FRAPS recently, so I will be uploading a video about us up to the firestation and to the point I died so people can see what we did. So that should be up in a little bit and linked here.

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Fantastic story mate :D

Looking forward to future adventures..

Perhaps tonight will be just as eventfull =p

Atleast through my scope 600meters away, i atleast feel somewhat more safe than you frontliners.. *gasps, then crawls back under his tree, pointing the M107 in the general direction of anyone passing by*

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Uploaded and edited with the video.

Great mate, show the world what i have to deal with everyday..

Covering your sorry bum Ravin, when you don't even see a guy in a corner 15meters from you xD

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Oh yes Zan.

In the middle of the night when you aren't even on <3

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Oh yes Zan.

In the middle of the night when you aren't even on <3

Thats because you leave me hanging with my wood in the mailbox when you guys get some action!

People seem to disconnect whenever im online, so i never get to be part of the fun stuff. :/



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Bah. You are just mad Zan I have to go to bed alone and I don't spoon you anymore.

Lol Going to bed now.

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Bah. You are just mad Zan I have to go to bed alone and I don't spoon you anymore.

Lol Going to bed now.

Just you wait hun, i will have my way with you.

Looking forward for tonights shenanigans.

You bloody better get ur ass in bed, or do you need me to come sing you a lullaby? ;)

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Hey Ravin, Where is the link!? I wanna get hype lol

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Hey Ravin' date=' Where is the link!? I wanna get hype lol


There you go bud!

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Missed you tonight baby~

The link was at as the bottom. Do you not see it?

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Ah, U.B.C.S., all the encounter I've had with you have been..... eventful, to say the least. I've killed a few of you. A few firefights, a few snipes, about a 60/40 survival rate. May you enter my LOS in the future.

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I hate watching videos when kids can't even give accurate ADDRAC

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I hate watching videos when kids can't even give accurate ADDRAC

Your tears sustain me.

One - Noone in the video is under the age of 18.

Two - Its nearing Dawn and none of us have NVG's, there is actually four players running around and our spotter was having difficulty telling the difference due to the nighttime setting we were engaged in.

Three - Like in your previous posts, you stated how 'Its a game chill out' Follow your own advice.

Four - These stories are purely meant for the fun and pleasure of DayZ for a readers leisure. The videos are something new we are trying out.

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ravin

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