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Cave (DayZ)

Starting Stick Weapon

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I would really like a wooden, tree stick to be a starting weapon or an weapon you can find in the woods that can easily counter small number of zombies. I am a new player trying this game and I have been chased across the island by one lone zombie before, irritating. I been told there used to be a gun as a starting weapon.

Currently, I can't seem to find a way to escape zombies that are chasing you. This suggestion is realistic to what you would attempt in an actual apocalypse and would make the game's start considerably more fun. It would be weak, but it can help me kill that one lone zombie that somehow chases you all around the map. There are currently no realistic ways to evade zombies.

Please somehow add this feature. I also think kitchen knifes should be a very common item you can loot from homes, which should be able to handle about 2 - 4 zombies at a time.

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Or maybe you start with a hunting knife that can be used as a weapon.

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Or maybe even simpler, no animation or item modding necessary: Start with the Crowbar.

I doubt you could really code a weapon to be more useless than the Crowbar already is without it being completely non-functional.

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I agree, you need to start with some kind of weapon, but no a gun.

In real life, if a zombie infection hit the country, I would pack food, an axe, or knife, and my backpack and medical supplies. When you start in the game, you only have a flashlight and medical supplies. I'm fine as it is now, I'm experienced to the game, so I find stuff pretty easy, but new people are haveing a hard time, as by judging on new friends that just joined, and the forums here :)

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This is completely unnecessary. There are enough hatchets & crowbars near every starting location, within 10 minutes of your spawn you should be able to find at least one of these.

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I opt for loot spawning points on the beaches.

You should find

empty cans empty soda cans(for distraction)

woodpile(for fireplaces)

empty bottles


No need to spawn with anything.

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You can easily find one. It's not the real survival when you have a weapon in the beginning.

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You can easily find one. It's not the real survival when you have a weapon in the beginning.

You usually can. Occasionally though' date=' you aggro a zombie trying to get to one, and then you're reduced to sprinting across the map.

Last time that happened, I couldn't help thinking that irl I'd probably at least scoop up a rock.

Failing that I might at least [i']attempt to throw a punch.

Starting off utterly defenseless is the root cause of a lot of Benny Hill routines, and being able to put up some sort of fight would be more believable than trying the find a hill of the right gradient. In this scenario, you'd always find something to swing.

It's worth remembering that Cillian Murphy wouldn't have got very far without his carrier bag full of soda cans...

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Best way to dispatch a zed on your ass is to go through a building - you can loose a whole pack running through a farm as they resort to walking once they meet the threshold.. also a good way to avoid wasting ammo. And if you're getting chased by a hopper you could just as easily run out of sight (behind a bush even) and lay prone and continue off into your desired direction.

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I have been playing this game for a while now and I remember when I first started playing this game. I agree, with the starting weapon as the crowbar. It makes no sense whatsoever to have to run into a city full of infected just to find a stick. Why oh why do people think its cute to go against this idea?? It makes perfect sense that a real life person wouldnt go into a city without a stick or a weapon of some kind. Please, please add this to the game.

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Best way to dispatch a zed on your ass is to go through a building - you can loose a whole pack running through a farm as they resort to walking once they meet the threshold.. also a good way to avoid wasting ammo. And if you're getting chased by a hopper you could just as easily run out of sight (behind a bush even) and lay prone and continue off into your desired direction.

This is the main problem with the game at the moment. "You don't need an axe, if a zombie sees you from 150m away, just exploit the buggy behaviour of zombies! Run through a building, run to the docks or zig zag up a hill!"

I don't think this is how the game should function.

Without a weapon, you should always die for aggroing a zombie. Thus, you should start with a weapon to avoid such an annoying system.

The only reason you don't need a weapon is because you can exploit the bugginess of zombies. You can run into town, aggro heaps of zombies, run into a building, pick up some loot then carry on as if nothing is happening. If any follow, just rinse and repeat. Once you have a hatchet go to the dock and kill them one by one with zero risk to your life.

So I guess until zombies can present a real threat in all situation, we don't need a weapon. But, we should need a weapon, because zombies are meant to be threatening.

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