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Dangerous Wilderness!

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since animals don't seem fazed by the infection..and roaming the country side is pretty anticlimactic with no zombies.

How about another element of danger...such as roaming packs of wolves/dogs..some bears a sparse amount of tigers i know those animals are native to russia and would make the wilds more...well wild.

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no... and no.

another well thought out reply how about some input as to why?

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It would be nice to see hostile animals spawn, although I suspect the DayZ devs would end up having to create the animations from scratch so it's not reasonable to expect to see this implemented unless there already exists an open-source hostile wolves / bears mod.

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Very much indeed. It's so anticlimactic in the forest as of now, there's basically no threat and it feels like a haven.

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I wonder if the dogs will be wild animals or actually pets that you can command. Hmm?

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he said nothing about that, but would be great to pet wild animals

u give them raw meat an then they r ur pets like in minecraft

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There will be zeds in the wilderness in the future, so no need for hostile animals imo. Though I would love to see animals react to players i.e. boars running away when they detect you (greatly increased detection compared to zeds). This would actually make hunting hunting and not just running in the woods and stopping to pull out your revolver when there's a static wild boar's ass right in front of your face :D Also reduce the number of farm animals, and you have to actually work for that sweet, blood restoring meat.

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There will be zeds in the wilderness in the future

That had better not be before they fix the ludicrous zed run speed or I'm going to have to write a rage post on these forums.

I was just saying to myself "You know what DayZ needs? More running from 10 zombies for 10 straight minutes across open plains trying to find a barn to run through in order to lose them by blatantly abusing the game's absurd zed movement speed AI."

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zombies in the woods, yes, olympic speeds, please no, let them be just as fast as the player

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"Woods ... ultimately safe".

Yeah right, you could cross path with someone at any time. You are never really safe, since people also move around servers and could pop up anywhere. The more the merrier, try moving between places on a 40/50+ server, or a 80+ (I heard about 100 player servers). That's why I don't think we need 24141412 threats in the woods, too. You could add low-spawns for zombies but keep it as it is more or less. Or an occasional bear.

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Zeds in the woods would be good. I'm not saying loads of them, but presently the woods are just far too safe in my humble opinion.

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Bears and wolves please, or even small groups of stray dogs. I'm sure stray dogs in a situation like this would be pretty quick to revert back to their more natural and primal instincts if they're hungry enough, so they'd be an added danger to the player. Well - assuming they aren't Pomeranians or anything.. I mean it would be pretty cool to find yourself being hunted by a pack of dogs, and pretty terrifying. They're going to run a lot faster than you can, too. ^^

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