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"Calling home" Bandwidth use? Lowest max ping setting?

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Hi all,

I am able to get dedicated hosting very cheap, provided by my Employers.

Dedicated CPU and all that jazz is not a problem. Only Bandwidth.

I need to ascertain how much bandwidth I will be using to see if this is affordable. My questions are:

1. How much bandwidth is used per month contacting the main ARMA server?

2. What is the lowest Max Ping setting I could implement?

If I can limit traffic to National traffic (here in NZ) via max ping settings then it is close to free and I can provide another server to the meager list. If I have to use 2~TBs of International traffic then I am left with a bill in the thousands of dollars..

Any info would be much appreciated. And yes I have gone through all the Server FAQs and searched the forums.

Thanks again.

Bumping as required.

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About 3.5-4meg average, haven't seen it peak above 5meg per server instance but that's the bandwidth you'll need guestematics puts that at around 8.5TB BUT this is all traffic, as for how much of that goes back to the HIVE I've got no idea. Some providers sell by bandwidth rather than data though.

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I meant data rather than bandwidth, long day, however that's some great info. Unfortunately that make it one very very expensive server that would cost more than my salary. Sad.

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Data sent to Hive will be very minimal, less than 1GB per month.

1x 50 slot server will use up to 6GB per hour, but usually average about 4.5GB per hour (IN+OUT).

4Mbps is about right for 1x 50 slot. It can spike up to 10Mbps though occasionally but if you limited it to 6Mbps it would probably be okay.

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Thank you Freeborne, that is very helfpful.

To be honest it looks like I will be able to host a NZ server (or two!) if I can limit the max ping to 100~ms to limit players to the NZ locale only.

Now if I could only get word on if this would be ok...

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You can use your firewall to block all IPs, but the NZ/AUS IP range ;) . More effective then using the ping limit.

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Bloody Aussies will be the death of me! :lol:

Ok. Back to the drawing board. Don't want to be a prick but if I can make it Kiwi only... :blush:

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We run 3 servers off one box (2x50, 1x55).

Just to give you an idea, we use on average 1.3TB a week. The servers are generally full during the day and drop off during the night time till Dawn.

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