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BattleEye Script Detection

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since march battleeye has the script detection feature which is fully customizable http://forums.bistud...-server-admins. i was searching for a scripts.txt for dayz servers and it took some time to find one after nearly every google search found was about scripts to cheat in dayz. so as i was looking in the scripts.txt there were some good things in it but as i can say from my playtime, i made encounters with cheaters who gave them weapons and stuff which are not part of dayz. so i extended this scripts.txt with EVERY weapon/ammunition and vehicles (land,air,sea). maybe a bit overkill but who knows... you just have to put it into in your BE working directory (in the game's application data / profiles / BEpath folder, not the install folder - where bans.txt is placed as well).


everything you need is here:



you can also find those files as a hoster of a server where you get your other stuff from the dayz staff

Edited by Isoterik
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since march battleeye has the script detection feature which is fully customizable. i was searching for a scripts.txt for dayz servers and it took some time to find one after nearly every google search found was about scripts to cheat in dayz. so as i was looking in the scripts.txt there were some good things in it but as i can say from my playtime' date=' i made encounter with cheaters who gave them weapons and stuff which are not part of dayz. so i extended this scripts.txt with EVERY weapon/ammunition and vehicles (land,air,sea). maybe a bit overkill but who knows... you just have to put it into your BattlEye folder (\cfgdayz\BattlEye).


So that's how I use this list!

I feel like such a noob now XD

So how exactly does this script detection work? Automatically ban someone who gets a certain score?

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since march battleeye has the script detection feature which is fully customizable. i was searching for a scripts.txt for dayz servers and it took some time to find one after nearly every google search found was about scripts to cheat in dayz. so as i was looking in the scripts.txt there were some good things in it but as i can say from my playtime' date=' i made encounter with cheaters who gave them weapons and stuff which are not part of dayz. so i extended this scripts.txt with EVERY weapon/ammunition and vehicles (land,air,sea). maybe a bit overkill but who knows... you just have to put it into your BattlEye folder (\cfgdayz\BattlEye).


So that's how I use this list!

I feel like such a noob now XD

feedback would be nice :)

and also, if some other ppl got different stuff in their scripts.txt to share it with us!

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I'm still not clear on how script detection actually works, what does this txt file do?

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I'm still not clear on how script detection actually works' date=' what does this txt file do?


i have updated my post with a link to a post from $able from battleeye. there you can read something about it. more i cant tell you about it cause i dont know :) but what i know and $able told me, that the bypass of the script check gets detected :)

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I see, so the detection script defines what gets logged in scripts.log

The problem is, a lot of data gets written to that log that is of course harmless things being done by DayZ itself. Has anyone got a modified detection script that reduces these?

It would be usefull to have something that works in the oposite way, so we could exclude lines of scripts that we know are ok (like handleGear.sqf)

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I see' date=' so the detection script defines what gets logged in scripts.log

The problem is, a lot of data gets written to that log that is of course harmless things being done by DayZ itself. Has anyone got a modified detection script that reduces these?

It would be usefull to have something that works in the oposite way, so we could exclude lines of scripts that we know are ok (like handleGear.sqf)


I'm also interested in this!

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What exactly does this script detection file do? Log injected scrips that's listed, or prevent them?

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What exactly does this script detection file do? Log injected scrips that's listed' date=' or prevent them?


1 - Log detections to "scripts.log"

2 - Log detections to server console

3 - Log detections to "scripts.log" & server console

4 - Kick for detections ("Script Restriction #X")

5 - Log detections to "scripts.log" + kick (like 4)

7 - Does all of that points above

Any1 knows what 6 does? Maybe log + ban? (I would prefer that instead of kicking).

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It kicks people who it detects running certain commands (5 and above I think) and logs the usage in the scripts.log file.

However as it stands this file logs alot of harmless data that is impossible to trawl through by hand.

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It kicks people who it detects running certain commands (5 and above I think) and logs the usage in the scripts.log file.

However as it stands this file logs alot of harmless data that is impossible to trawl through by hand.

Would be awesome if it could export the log to an extra file. Otherwise I don't see any improvement to this since it "only" kicks the hacker and make him aware of getting caught.

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Nice work so far Isoterik :-) i haven't had time to go over the hole list yet. But hell nice find

Keep it up.

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Nice work Isoterik' date=' thanks.

Is the script to write messages on the screen included?


No, just in script.log or server console.

Is anyone in contact with $able of Battleye?

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But script.log is only 1 and console is 2.

What's the 5?

Nevermind, found it. It's kick and log at the same time.

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But script.log is only 1 and console is 2.

What's the 5?

U must be kidding' date=' don't u?

[edit'] Genius :P

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Nice work so far Isoterik :-) i haven't had time to go over the hole list yet. But hell nice find

Keep it up.

thanks :) took me some hours to add all the weapon and vehicle stuff. but i think with the other scripts in there, there is still alot more to improve. the problem is, that you must search for the most "cheat scripts" by your own and add them to the scripts.txt. i ask $able if he got something more powerfull but all he said was the search by your own and that the bypass gets detected. i cant say by my selfe how its working, if fine or not, cause we still waiting to get the permission to run dayz on our server ;)

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gj iso

but i really still hope that the moderators could give us a own forum section for anti cheat help and that they could make this thread sticky.

would be really wonderful to have such a source for ppl speaking with each other about what we can add to the list.

its really annoying that everyone have to search for his own in this forums for help. if it would have his own section anybody would know where to search directly.

but still really great that we have that list u made before our server get listed.

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I'll post a reply when I get home but I've updated mine to include detection of most of the popular free scripts people try and use.

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I'll post a reply when I get home but I've updated mine to include detection of most of the popular free scripts people try and use.

sounds great, so we can combine the scripts.txt :) make it more powerfull!

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Awesomeness, I just updated mine from the default to including everything in the OP and 7 createMarkerLocal ["nukemarker"

Will keep an eye on this thread so I can add more.

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Thanks! I have implemented the script. However i have had an individual mention he keeps getting kicked by battleye. Is there any chance of a false positive or were they definetly running an illegal script?

Update: maybe disregard this comment for now as it seems the forums are getting flooded with similar battleye kick issues

Edited by NZkiwi

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