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So got about 10 hours of DayZ under my belt (much more in wiki and youtube videos). Now I have seen videos on how to fix cars where to find high end weapons and other such videos but I never saw a video on what to do when you first spawn. Right now I run to nearest town/city loot what I can and then usually die to zombies or players.

Right now I have made it away from the coast and have started heading north after i looted a coast town. I was wondering what more experienced players do? Just run straight for the air field or loot every town on the way or just stick to the coast? I end up dead a lot so wondering if any vets have ideas what you should first do when spawning on the coast.

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I like to spawn near Berezino as it reduces the risk of running into other players, and it has all the major city supplies. I head to the hospital, stores, and the apartments. After that I go to the military tents and try to find myself an m16 or something. After that it's off to Stary Sobor to find a sniper and look for helicrashes and kill people at the military camp there for supplies ;D

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Wow you spawn pretty far north up the coast i usually end up between kamyshovo and Kamarovo (think thats how they are spelt). I have avoided chern and elek because no good experience has come from them. Found lots of food and medical supplies but then i get shot or turn a corner into a zombie with no weapon....

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My advice is don't hug the coast at all. If the server is emptyish maybe you can risk a run into cherno or elektro. Otherwise, a) there will be snipers or b) most of the useful things will likely already be looted.

Find a map, figure out where you are, and head inland ASAP. If you're on the south coast hit up some barns and smallish towns on the way north (to ensure you have enough food/water/supplies to survive) and eventually try and get to Berezino as mentioned up above. It's generally quietish and has some large residential points, plus some military tents.

After that I find it easy/isolated in the middle-right of the map. Constantly go to the small towns/large numbers of deer stands, as well as checking the open fields for heli crashes. Once you're good with the game and have some experience and confidence, you can start heading to the more high-value targets. Keep in mind, if you do this you need to go in assuming that you will likely lose everything. If you don't want to lose your stuff - don't go there.

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