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Game is unplayable

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thousands are playing right now you just suck


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CBA to read all the other post's (so sorry if someone else has said this) But if you Explored a building, found no weapons, Died and went back to the building obviously there wasn't going to be any weapons.

Should of joined a different server.

As for the your title of the game...sounds like you were playing it....Now GTFO!

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Sounds like a lot of whiny 15 year olds on here that can't take a joke' date=' sheesh.


Are you fucking kidding? You post a "satirical" post full of such common bitch-ass whiny complaints, and you expect people to laugh and say "oh yeah, these people are retarded, good post!" ?

You're a fucking joke and you waste the forum's bandwith, and the communities time. Wow. Moron.


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Sounds like a lot of whiny 15 year olds on here that can't take a joke' date=' sheesh.


Are you fucking kidding? You post a "satirical" post full of such common bitch-ass whiny complaints, and you expect people to laugh and say "oh yeah, these people are retarded, good post!" ?

You're a fucking joke and you waste the forum's bandwith, and the communities time. Wow. Moron.

Your Wasting more :) now.....GTFO

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Hey' date=' guys. Newbie here. Just wanna add something here: I too find DayZ quite unplayable a times too. Hope i don't regret it!


You'll get better. Remember, the game is in Alpha, so things can change quite radically between updates. 1.6 started with a gun and equip, and zombies were a lot more docile, 1.7.5 changed from 1.7.1 etc.

I've never played a game under dev before, so its pretty fun, slowly taking shape...

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I just bought the ARMA pack and have been playing the game for the last 4 hours.

I have respawned at least 15 times' date=' and have explored at least 30 buildings.

I have found no weapons in any of the 30 buildings. I found a grocery store at one point that had plenty of things except for weapons. I was also shot at that grocery store by the only actual player I've ever seen.

As I have seen no weapons lying around in any buildings, I must assume that there's no weapons in game for me to use.

The only person I've seen in game was hostile to me, so I must assume that all players in game are hostile.

Since I have no way to protect myself, as there's no weapons, and my enemies are all other moving living things in the game, there is no way to play the game as intended, and therefore is unplayable.


I thought you actually meant unplayable in the way of getting a error. What you state here isn't the game being unplayable, its just not knowing how to play the game, and not having any patience. Stop drawing conclusions after 4 hours of gameplay. You cant learn everything in that time.

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Lol. Good one.

My last life was ~6 days. I had just about the best gear you can have (.50 cal, lots of ammo, an M4 CCO SD that I swapped for a FAL, an M9 SD, every toolbelt gadget +NVG's and rangefinders), got bored, played recklessly and got killed.

45 minutes later, I was at Stary with an M1014 and plenty of ammo (swapped for AKM at the tents). All the hunting gear. 3 water bottles. Plenty of beans until I find game. This game is too easy.

Learn. To. Play. Your current problem is that you are bad at the game. Just play and you will learn. Learning involves dying, lots.

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I don't want this game to have players like you.

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Ah, the yogscast watchers.

You're obviously doing something wrong, as I can spawn and find a gun within 5-10 minutes. This game is not for you.

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I just bought the ARMA pack and have been playing the game for the last 4 hours.

I have respawned at least 15 times' date=' and have explored at least 30 buildings.

I have found no weapons in any of the 30 buildings. I found a grocery store at one point that had plenty of things except for weapons. I was also shot at that grocery store by the only actual player I've ever seen.

As I have seen no weapons lying around in any buildings, I must assume that there's no weapons in game for me to use.

The only person I've seen in game was hostile to me, so I must assume that all players in game are hostile.

Since I have no way to protect myself, as there's no weapons, and my enemies are all other moving living things in the game, there is no way to play the game as intended, and therefore is unplayable.


Protip: Start -> System control -> Programs -> Uninstall Arma 2 OA

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I don't want this game to have players like you.

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I just bought the ARMA pack and have been playing the game for the last 4 hours.

I have respawned at least 15 times' date=' and have explored at least 30 buildings.

I have found no weapons in any of the 30 buildings. I found a grocery store at one point that had plenty of things except for weapons. I was also shot at that grocery store by the only actual player I've ever seen.

As I have seen no weapons lying around in any buildings, I must assume that there's no weapons in game for me to use.

The only person I've seen in game was hostile to me, so I must assume that all players in game are hostile.

Since I have no way to protect myself, as there's no weapons, and my enemies are all other moving living things in the game, there is no way to play the game as intended, and therefore is unplayable.


Go away and never come back.

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RE: Game is unplayable


Oh boi...

After weeks of watching youtube videos and desperately waiting for my pc new parts to arrive,

I managed to set up the game and log in this morning 1am.

I knew I have to come to work at 9am, still I logged in, just to check around.

After a while I killed some zeds,collected some useful things I checked the time again and realised that's 5am.

so I decided there's no point to go to bed, instead I tried to reach balota and log out at a secured place....

I just can't wait to get home and log back again...:D:D

FYI,I'm quite picky with games, since heroes of might and magic 2 I never had such fun(LOL), I cannot recall playing any game through the whole night on a weekday.

Also I couldn't be less bothered about no guns at the beginning to be honest.

During this ~5 hours I had extraordinary fun, maybe there's something to do that I'm an ex boy scout and love scouting...:D

anyway, my 2 cents, do not give up,no rush, just take it easy if you feel bit frustrated try to learn from your/others mistakes.

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Butthurt? Came from Yogcast perhaps? Lemme tell you this, DayZ will get into your face and butt rape you if you want to be cuddled throughout the game.

Setting aside my very angry persona re yogcast, their fans and how they treat the mod, I have three things to say to you.

One: Play all the tutorials that came with ARMA 2 and ARMA 2 OA. Hell, play the campaigns too.

Two: Guns are not everything. Sure you can shoot the infected and other players but if you can get your hands on a hatchet, combat knife, matches and a water bottle, you can live for days and defend yourself. Only problem would be the medical side of things ie Infection and broken bones.

Three: My Number One Rule of DayZ, trust ****ing no one.

That is all.

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As a new player myself, 5 days in game... Its really difficult getting going, and finding the much needed rare gear while having to compete with people who shoot first, and some bugged features in broken bones ladders houses ect... You will die alot and loose alot of stuff..

Ive noticed theres two options as a new player:

1) You find a tent to store your goods, and hope you dont die before you place it..

2) you find a reliable server one that doesnt shut down frequently, and store your acquired loot in a spot not too close to a town but close enough, so as not to up it to the random pker stalkers using noobs as entertainment.. Run in town get what you need and get out asap if you live... Go back get your stashed loot and make sure your not followed..

I tried option 2 for the last 3 days, and all it took was one bad server for me to loose it all.. So Im going to test option 1 now.. Tent is my first priority, and make sure you have a back up tent in case you die to restore your items, since the first tent will decay once dead so as I understand...

Ive found that using the axe is the best weapon vs zombies as long as you can hunt for food, and not rely on found cans of beans.. Axes dont attract other pkers or zombies alerting them of your presence in the vacinity, and always bury your dead dont leave traces.. Your inventory has so little room so relying on beans n pepsi n clips of ammo is not worthy as a new player until you have a back up tent for storage in mass.. Guns seem to only be worthwhile in pking other players... Always carry 1 morphine 1 pills for broken bones, and scavenge for what else you need.. Use open building with two entrances to your advantage when combating multiple zombies flares/smoke work to get them off of you but you cant stay long or risk showing pkers your location or you can axe the zombies one by one as they enter the building.. Health doesnt seem to last very long seems unbalanced, so run if you have too dont allow your health to fall below 6-7k, your view and sound will change making it much harder to get around.

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