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Day Z on a Mac Book Pro

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Hey guys I am well and truly sick of M$ so i was considering getting a Mac Book Pro. I know the very basics of computers but I was wondering what Mac Book would be the best for me.

I will only be playing Day Z on it and possibly Starcraft 2. The rest of the time I will be using it for Uni and studying. I know I will have to install windows through Bootcamp to play Day Z. I dont need the graphics to be holy shit amazing but just have them look nice. I will only be using the Windows portion for gaming and nothing more.

If you could tell me what Mac would be the cheapest for what I want (Have to be a laptop I dont want a desktop) Then that would be great :)


Cheers guys :)

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The $2000 ones...

even then they will look only half way decent.

Buy a Windows laptop... mac is awful at like everything (Biased Opinion)

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I have the $1200 late 2010 model, and I can run it smooth on medium-high settings w/ postprocessing, but without AA. I suggest not spending the money on a mac if you even are considering gaming. Installing bootcamp was a hassle, as well as having to reinstall drivers etc.

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I'm just really sick of Microsoft thats all. I just want a change....

Hm.. thanks for the advice guys I saw a few PC's with beefer specs and cheaper compared to the mac but yeah..

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