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activating helicopters

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is there a way to activate helicopters on my server?

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I believe the only way is to downgrade to a version that had helicopters enabled.

I could be wrong however.

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I believe the only way is to downgrade to a version that had helicopters enabled.

I could be wrong however.

I found a chopper on Saturday on the Version 1.7.1? (kinda this one, the newest on this day).

I flyed a lot of choppers on Battlefield an games like that.

First time i thought its the broken one i can grap items from. Buuut i could go in and shoot the zombies with the MG, then!!! i saw a pilot place, and yeeeehh. with my lot flying expiriance, start the engine. 25m ahead i did a frontflipt and bye bye little chopper, i cried so long,... so long ^^....

So Choppers avaible. Dont know if there any new patch out there since saturday...


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Helicopters are currently not available on any server running current patches. Any chopper found on a server running the current mod version is hacked unless someone managed to keep said helicopter up and running from a previous version when they were in game. Also no it's not possible to enable them on your server.

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This is simply not true.

We run a fully up to date server and we have repairable helicopters spawning, currently we know of one squad opperating a working Huey.

Chopper activation is tied to a server's instance ID / mission file AFAIK, the older servers have this enabled. Newer servers do not and probably will not until the devs fix the issues with aircraft.

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