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Side channel veteran servers?

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Anyone know some decent server With side channel beta9444 and Veteran? Or at least names turned of and ofc 9444 (a server that updates beta pretty fast also). Don't know if this is the correct place for this thread, maybe mods could move it if its not. Oh, and 40+ player slots

Thx in advance

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Servers with sidechat are going to be blacklisted and it's against the rules to run a server with sidechat enabled.

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Sidechat is suppose to be removed as it is a feature of the mod to be removed, as such I've heard that we're not suppose to be tampering with the mission file as well.

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Oh. Too bad. I find it entertaining with side chat when playing alone. Hopefully it results is some servers having it enbled at least. But as mewntioned probably not then.

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Side chat is under discussion buy the dev team we have a few mixed feelings about it some don't see the harm in letting server admins decide others what to see a united system.

But for now SIDE CHAT is a modification to the game and will be investigated as it breaks the DayZ server rules.

Anyone playing on such servers are well just damaging the game experience Rocket and his team are trying to create. My advice to you stop playing on servers like this :-) why support the server admins who well just cant be bothered or admins who feel they have the right to modify content because they own the server.

UK1 is running a {Private Hive} meaning they use modified code as you know modified code may appear to do as it should but can have many hidden systems running :-(

Anyway we hope to have more answers on the side chat system soon.

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Anyway we hope to have more answers on the side chat system soon.

I appriciate your answer.

I understand it isn't possible to please everyone, but I dont see a problem (for whatever that's worth lol) with as you slightly mentioned to have server owner choosing, The vast majority would probably have it turned of anyway. But it is as I mentioned a Alot more fun (for some) when you're playing alone to being able to chat a bit. Talking with the mic in side channel should be removed though.

I also understand rockets opinion of it ruining his vision a bit since I agree its not As immersive playing With it on as with it turned of etc. Bu I do hope its left to the admins. But its obviously up to boss man

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