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[Guide] How to get out of the debug field alive.

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So it happens to a lot of people that at first they play the game just normally, and the next day they log-in, they end up in the debug field.

So what is this debug field?

The debug field is an area 30 thousand meters away from the map where you won't find anything but hills, hills and more hills. No trees, no grass, no buildings.

The only other thing you will possibly find close to your position is spawning and disappearing characters. These are people who are currently logging in on the server, and have their character located there before they are fully loaded.

Don't try to kill these characters, as doing so will get you banned according to this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8302

How to get out of this place.

Well, there is a hard way, an easy way, and a deadly way.

- The hard way:

You better hope for a map or compass or GPS. Go to a server that has waypoints enabled. Open the map, and set your waypoint to Pavlovo which is right about Kamenka which is the village all the way to the left/bottom corner. You will notice you are 30 thousand meters away, and directly west from it. So if you don't have a map or GPS, use your compass and go directly east.

Have a long journey! You better not get thirsty/hungry.

- The deadly way:

Well simple, press escape and respawn yourself. You will lose all your gear though.

- The easy way:

For this to work, get out of the server and join Canada2. (Not sure if it works for 1 as well, so keep it for 2 just to be sure.)

For some reason, this server always spawns you just on the edge of the map west from Pavlovo, only about 2000 meters away.

So all you have to do is head east until you get to Pavlovo. Disconnect and rejoin the server you desire, and you are back!

The only downside is that you are at Pavlovo, so if you were all the way at the North-east airfield for example, you will have to walk all the way back there.

But hey, rather that, then losing your gear or having to walk an extra 30KM right?

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Might be selfish to ask, but can't someone sticky this thread?

So many threads are added every day and this thread falls to page 2/3 super fast. And obviously, so many threads ask about how to get out of the debug field since they are to lazy to use search.

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