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Tents.......common problem or just bad luck?

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Hi all,

I wanted to pose some questions about tents.

(Back Story)

I have recently setup a small tent city that consists of 5 tents. Over the course of the 4 or 5 days I have been using these tents, I have had two tents get wiped clean of all inventory on two separate occasions. I have read that tents can sometimes glitch, loosing everything inside of it. However, i have had this happen twice on two different tents in just a couple of days. These tents were loaded with guns, amo, food....tons of extra stuff. Gathering up and storing supplies is kinda my thing. Spending hours gathering this stuff and transporting back to the tents, only to have the tent complete wiped is frustrating as hell.


In your experience, how frequent is this kind of glitch? Is my experience normal, or is it just bad luck on my part that happened to me the way it did?

Do some servers tend to be worse than others for glitching out tents?

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We have expirenced this though not for a few days now.

We have also had tents glitch so that we can no longer use them.

Tents are bugged, wait it out.

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I was under the impression that other players could loot your tents.

Which is what I suspect is happening.

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I haven't had this issue thankfully, though I have had a number of beautiful items eated by my Backpack monster.

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I was under the impression that other players could loot your tents.

Which is what I suspect is happening.

No, I don't think so. Like I said, only 1 or 2 of my 5 tents would glitch, loosing everything inside....while the tent right next too with matching amo for a gun in the one that glitched or even having a better gun was left alone. A raider would take the best from any of them, not clean out one entirely leaving better stuff in the tent right next to it.

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Like the above poster said, and I've been surfing a bit of the forums too and seen it a few places, seems like tents ARE a bit bugged currently.


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If it was stationed outside the 'map' zone that could be why.

Otherwise you need to up sticks and move.

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Very bugged. It's best to not keep anything that you cannot live without in a tent. FWIW, I lost a couple of mags, 2 canteens, and some medical supplies out of my backpack the other day. Plus 5 blood bags, 5 morphine, and 2 antibiotics from my tent. It happens.

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I haven't had this issue thankfully' date=' though I have had a number of beautiful items eated by my Backpack monster.


Same. My second M107 got eaten by the bag monster today. I had just stolen it and an AS-50 :D from a tent about an hour and a half earlier. Picked between the rifles, gave the AS-50 to my other sniper, and then we posted one person on watch at the tents about 350m away and we knew of a tractor that was only about a click away. So we got the tractor, came back, loaded the tractor up with everything in the tents of value, I put on the camo clothing, gave the NVG to my friend who spots for me occasionally, and then we ran the tents over with the tractor. Figured that they'd be just as sad to see everything looted as they would if they were gone ;). Idk whoever did it, but the tents were in the forest west of shosnovka...but in an area of the woods that offered ZERO cover, they were just in the wide open. I spotted them for like 400m away practically. And they had some of the rarest items in the game present. AS-50/M107/NVG/and like 4 other assault rifles including an M4A3 CCO and MP5 SD. Etc

But yea, the .50 cals had no ammo so when I went to the NWAF with my squad to try and get us some M107 mags, I took the .50 cal out for one second, and then hit my FN Fal over to swap them, making sure I would have the required 10+ spaces in my bag, and sure enough...poof right before my eyes. No more M107. Alice pack got hungry. My partner in crime kept his AS-50 though. I've ONLY had M107s get eaten before by the bag monster. No other gun has disappeared on me. Pretty strange. Karma comes full circle I guess :P. It wasn't my idea to run the tents over. To the past owners on Atlanta 77, next time don't put such valuable items in a spot with no cover. Just a tip. :D

To the OP: Chances are your tents were looted. Just for your information, no where in the map is safe for tents. Your stuff may remain there for about a day or so, but go longer than that and the chances of them being found and looted rises nearly 100%. Yes the tents can be wiped due to glitches and server resets, things like that, so they are bugged, but 3/4 of the time it's due to another player finding and looting them, like I did earlier today. Anyway, I put my DMR in the tent for the M107, so I took that back, and then traded it for another M24 with one of my buddies who preferred the DMR for it's fast rate of fire (DC'ers) and I prefer the M24 for it's zeroing. So not all is lost, and now that my partner has an AS-50 and ammo, when we co-snipe...no one is going to get a chance to DC on us now unless they can somehow hack and survive a .50 caliber round to the vitals. Still sucks though. Both of my M107s I've owned since the start of the game have disappeared the same exact way.

In the end, it's alright. Next time I use an M107, I'm just not going to use a second primary weapon and I'll only carry my sniper. My team feels so terrible for me because of that stupid glitch, so the next server hopper we kill at the NWAF wearing a ghillie and an AS-50/m107, I can get the next one. We'll see in the next couple days mwahaha.

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