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Bandit Hunter

Connection Failed - Booted from internet.

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Occasionally I wont make it into the lobby, occasionally i'll make it as far as the loading screen before it loads my character, than I get "Connection Failed" error message.

Whats great about this is, it actually boots me from the internet. My router gets knocked out, I lose internet to the computer, Xbox, everything connected to the router. This blackout sometimes lasts a couple mins, sometimes a half hour.

I'm stuck in a rut, i'm have so much fun when the stars align and i'm actually able to enter a game, but the other 9 times things inside my computer start lighting on fire.

Is there any word from anyone, anywhere, that things are being worked on behind the scenes?

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same things happening to me. after i get booted i get ip conflicts when i try to join a server again.

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EVERYBODY is having issues now, read the forums before flooding them with whining. The main server is having problems and that is being fixed. Sorry for the internet booting problem though

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EVERYBODY is having issues now' date=' read the forums before flooding them with whining. The main server is having problems and that is being fixed. Sorry for the internet booting problem though


I wouldn't have come to the forum without a unique issue. This is a unique issue.

I've seen one complaint off the forum, and one other in my own thread.

The internet booting is all i'm worried about, I have the patience to deal with the other common problems. Something is seriously upset if a mod is actually denying general internet access, and something needs to be said about it, even if Rocket tells me sorry, i'm out of luck.

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