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In a bit of a bind..

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I spent an hour crawling to the Electro Hospital for morphine, barrel rolling my way through zombies and knee-capping some asshole who tried to kill me with a hatchet. Finally made it too the sweet morphine and patched myself up, only to have THE FUCKING GLASS SPAWN BACK.

Now for those of you that don't know, you can't break the glass from inside..

So my options are now reduced too:

1. Giving up and respawning fresh (that would be too easy :P)

2. Waiting for some dude to come bust open the glass from outside and attempting to shoot my way out.

3. Some helpful denizen of the forums to PM me and arrange a rescue, I wasted 3 mags of M4 on the glass before realizing it was futile, I will trade whatever you desire for my escape!

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Its possible to break glass from inside the hospital, as I have had to do it after a server restart.

Try an axe if you have one and also aim for the windows closest to the left and right of the doors(not the door windows)

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sounds like fresh bandit lure :-)

cant you just hop to a server with the glass broken?

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I'd be willing to help later tonight. between 12am-7am EST.

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