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3 Man group looking for fourth.

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We're currently 3 guys who mostly roam the north trying our best to survive.

We don't have a leader, we all have equal say in everything. Our goal is to setup a base along with vehicles and survive as long as possible. Every other player is kill on sight for us since we mostly stay in the north, there is no such thing as friendly up here whether you admit it or not. If we ever are near the coast we try our best to avoid killing unarmed players. We win some and we lose some so we're completely against disconnecting in a firefight unless we feel there's a hacker, we just move on.

What we're looking for:

PATIENCE! We have a ton of fun all the time but there are points when we do really boring stuff like farming dangerous areas such as Stary and NWAF for hours for rare gear. So we don't want someone who whines or keeps asking when we're leaving. If we're farming an area we want something to come out of it, not leave empty handed.

A person at least 16 years old. One of us is 16 and other 2 are in our 20s but we're not looking for someone super mature. We're all clowns we tease each other and just talk shit all the time, however when shit is about to go down we go into super serious mode.

Too lazy to finish so if you want more info add me on skype: dakidmi1

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I whouln't mind taging along :)

But may I ask if you guys are from Europe since I myself live in Sweden, so if I get "approved" by you guys, we won't have any complications about timezones ect ect.

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i would like to team up with you. Sounds like my playstyle how you guys are surviving.

But again it would be interesting in which timezone you live in

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Add me on skype for details, we're in EST timezone.

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