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deadlyslob (DayZ)

Bad Luck Night Looting

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First off, im not but hurt about this because I was looting Cherno. Even at night you might run into someone, but hopefully not like this.

DMR and NVG's in hand, I was off to loot Cherno for some friends that were just starting the game. After looting through most of the pubs I decided to try the fire station to see if I can get an automatic weapon of some sort..

When I entered the building, I seen no one and I felt secure and safe until I seen a player spawn out of the corner of my eye, look at me and open fire instantly.

I didn't have time to react because I wasn't expecting someone to just pop up out of thin air.

I lost my DMR and NVG's. Someone is a lucky man.

Until they fix the server hopping issue, always make sure to be on your game, I wasn't and I failed.

Just wanted to share that with you. Can't wait to see how much trolly comments I get from "badasses" lolol.

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My friend I play with and I split up at the northern airfield when someone hopped into our server as he was looting the barracks (After clearing zombies)

All of the sudden he goes "PLAYER PLAYER PLAYER" *Silence* ".....Okay I got him"

The guy had spawned in right next to him, shot him once, and luckily with the reaction time of a cheetah my friend shot him in the head. However, of course, earlier in the week he wasn't so lucky.

I don't mind getting taken out by someone zeroed in on a hot position, I almost got sniped out looting some hangars, but the server hopping stuff is sort of keeping me away from these hot zone areas not for fear of a ready and prepared player, but for fear of some jerk server hopping for good loot.

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Was in the control tower NE airfield, guy and his friends trying to shoot me from the hill. Notice one of them disconnects for a while then reconnects.

All I heard was a few footsteps behind me then a blast of AK in my back. It's getting ridiculous.

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Works both ways (sometimes) two guys spawned right in front of me in a pub in cherno - they probably died to my axe before they got past loading screen.

Stupid place to log out but people do it.

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Works both ways (sometimes) two guys spawned right in front of me in a pub in cherno - they probably died to my axe before they got past loading screen.

Stupid place to log out but people do it.

Easy fix for this 1-2 Minute timer when you join a game, cannot pickup loot, cannot shoot, cannot be shot... stops server hoppers randomly joining and shooting people, stops innocents who are just joining a server from being spawn killed, stops people hopping in for 30 seconds looting barracks and sodding off.. surely this would work?

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Almost had a heart attack yesterday. Someone spawned in front of me at elektro hills, near tehe town and fainted. Figured he was some dc scumbag so i wasted him.

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I had somewhat the same problem when in Electro, a few of us died in a fire fight we had and decided to raid electro before heading to camp, we went into a fire station and for ages i could hear someone crawling outside, suddenly some guys (all in the same group) came running in with autos, turned into another firefight, lost my two guys (I run to the top level of the firestation as i only had one mag for the m1911) finally theres me thinking that we beat them, then suddenly one of their dudes just ghosted behind me and wasted me with a AK.

So the noobies had to ghost just to beat someone with nothing and one mag in a m1911, I hope their lives was worth the waste haha

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I actually shot a server-hopper at the NWAF the other day with my trusty DMR at about 600M. Was a glorious kill - wish I had it on video :(

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I actually shot a server-hopper at the NWAF the other day with my trusty DMR at about 600M. Was a glorious kill - wish I had it on video :(

They should make it so that NW and places like that can't be spawned or aborted at, would save alot of trouble

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