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A few questions from a nOOb

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First off. I love this game. I haven't had this much fun in a multi player game for some time. I am really hoping the developers stand their ground and don't give in and go the "carebear" route. Awesome job, so far.

I just started, and just had a few quick questions. Or if someone could link me to a thread that is similar, that would be great.

As far as tents go. How long do they last once they are put in place?

How do you target another person to use the medical drops? I read "pan away with mouse, then hold down middle mouse button, then pan over the player, and a list will come up." I've yet to get this to work.

My second day playing(yesterday), I got lost and was just running through the woods for what seemed like forever. I came across what looked like a camp which had multiple vehicles. Mostly military style vehicles,a bus, and a few regular vehicles,helicopter. Also, what seemed like dozens of tents LOADED with various gear,items,etc. Are these giant player bases? Lol, I tried to relocate this camp, but to no avail.

Thanks in advance! Love the game!

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1. As far as I know once saved, they last forever until tents are wiped by the devs.

2. There are two ways of interacting, the most common one is using the Scroll wheel up and down to open the action menu. Then click middle mouse to select. The other is to open your inventory with G and right-clicking an item.

3. Yes. You should steal gear & take a vehicle and drive off to a hiding place. Then remember to save your new vehicle so it's saved to the new location.

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