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So I don't know where to post this... I have an idea which is basically make Day Z harder... It will be similar to this post but I think it deserves a post of it's own and it needs to be laid out well... the problem I'm having is someone else to bounce ideas off of, as well as having someone ensure that it's abundant with quality.

The idea is to make Day Z harder, the main focus being that everyone ends up over-equipped.

Private message or post idea's please and thank you.

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Making items more scarce would only create even more bandits and create even more server hoping morons.

(unless you meant to link to a different post in that thread)

There is a suggestion sub-forum.

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The linked thread was correct, and it was in the suggestion sub-forum I know it exists, this thread was more to ask about ideas that may coincide with everyone getting the highest grade equipment.

Making weapons scarce would create more bandits? That doesn't necessarily matter... The server hopping would suck though... And with more scarce weapons, even with bandits they may not have an advantage, I'll think about how to stop the server hopping though...

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