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Upon Running the game, this happens.

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Please note that I have been playing DayZ perfectly for 3 days with no issues, before today.

Now, whenever I run Arma2 OA Beta patch (DayZ) this thing loads up, and stops loading at the point you see here: http://imgur.com/DjYeO

Shortly after it vanishes. And then nothing. Nothing happens. at all.

All that is left is this process, using 0 CPU at all. It's doing nothing.


Anything I can do to fix this?

Using the Six launcher works, but I get stuck on the black "Loading" screen. Always.

Once again, no issues before today. I am running the latest Sixlauncher, Arma OA version and DayZ version.

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The checkbox image is OA working properly. Mine pauses with two boxes left, and then eventually gets past that.

I don't use Launcher, so can't help you with that problem.

Even if you have the beta installed, part two of that is running the executable that comes with the beta patch. If you install the beta patch, but do not run the new executable, that's a problem.

Are you using Steam or retail?

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The checkbox image is OA working properly. Mine pauses with two boxes left' date=' and then eventually gets past that.

I don't use Launcher, so can't help you with that problem.

Even if you have the beta installed, part two of that is running the executable that comes with the beta patch. If you install the beta patch, but do not run the new executable, that's a problem.

Are you using Steam or retail?


Steam all the way! I am using Arma 2 FREE and Arma 2 OA, Both through steam.

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