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a newbies to-do list

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Hi there!

so, i havent been playing this game for a very long time, 2 weeks or something.

but i still wanna make a sort of do/dont do list, based on my first impressions.

as i am a noob, please correct me if any of this is wrong.

dont do's

1. Unless its a very un-populated server, never go into cherno/elektro

2. never trust players you just met.

3. Never waste ammo on a running zombie, because of the zigzagging.

4. NEVER, EVER! use a lee enfield

5. never swim... i had to learn that the hard way

6. Like the lee enfield, the winchester has a long audible range. do not use it in towns.


1. Find food before ammo/weapons

2. stay quiet and stealthy, even when you have a good weapon.

3. search through the small villages, not cherno/elektro/zeleno, unless its a very low populated server

4. prioritize drinks above food, in a recent update, they made it so your drinks thingy go down faster than the food thingy. realistic bullsh*t =D

5. search for shelter when its raining/dark.

if any of this isnt correct with the majority, please let me know =)

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Quite good to-do list. I'd also add that while winchester is great weapon because of big clip and one shoting infected it also has large audible range, so it's not really a good idea to use it in town.

Someone also wrote that if your drink meter is low your food meter is running faster. I cannot confirm it yet.

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Quite good to-do list. I'd also add that while winchester is great weapon because of big clip and one shoting infected it also has large audible range' date=' so it's not really a good idea to use it in town.

Someone also wrote that if your drink meter is low your food meter is running faster. I cannot confirm it yet.


thx, i,ll add that winchester in now.

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Finding shelter during rain doesn't seem necessary unless they've changed something in the past day or two. In fact, the rain cuts down visibility so it's a good time to move around as snipers are less effective. This of course could change if they factor in being cold or getting sick but for now rain doesn't seem to be detrimental.

I have found that playing at night is just a good way to get yourself killed by zombies. After a few tries I now stick to daytime servers.

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Finding shelter during rain doesn't seem necessary unless they've changed something in the past day or two. In fact' date=' the rain cuts down visibility so it's a good time to move around as snipers are less effective. This of course could change if they factor in being cold or getting sick but for now rain doesn't seem to be detrimental.

I have found that playing at night is just a good way to get yourself killed by zombies. After a few tries I now stick to daytime servers.


You are right. in the " short run" its actually better to head out during rain, as it cuts down visibillity...

but if you have to stay out for a little longer, the rain will quickly make your body temperature drop.

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Hmmmmm.....is that what the heat packs are for then? To raise your body temp?

yes' date=' and a fire can do the same. running can also slow down how fast body temp decreases


4. NEVER' date=' EVER! use a lee enfield


It might be loud, but the lee enfield is a good rifle w/o a scope. 1 shot 1 kill for players (chest and up) as well

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This is quite good advice from a new player to new players. Things start to change a bit when you've been in the game for a while tho.

If I die and I don't have frendlies moving my gear into a tent/vehicle, this is my course of action (doesn't matter how many people are on the server);

Respawn untill I get a spawn near Cherno, preferably east side of it.

Pick up a hatchet on the way into town from one of the industrial buildings. Hatchet is silent, I prefer finding a hatchet over a handgun, sorta. Often, if I pull aggro I will be moving into a building, switching from whatever weapon I have to the hatchet to take out the zombie, then switch back, don't want to announce to people we are here. We are hunting, don't want to be hunted.

Move to military/medical tents and try to find a rifle or handgun. Stock up on medical supplies. 1 painkiller and 1 morphine in inventory and atleast one of each in backpack, atleast 4 bandages.

My next objective is a backpack. There are several café buildings around the International Hotel, I should be able to find atleast a Czech Backpack or an Alicepack aswell as 1911 with however much ammo I want to carry.

Once done with the Cafés and the Hotel I have 5 more locations to hit. Town hall, firestation, church, supermarket and appartments. In what order I hit them depends on zedmovements or playermovements.

I won't leave Cherno untill I have: 1x Alicepack (sometimes settle for Czech), 2 Canteens, food, medical supplies, good primary weapon (Assaultrifle, no crappy shottys or the like), m1911 with 6 mags, map, compass.

I preferably get alot more survival gear (matches, knife and the like).

While I feel confident in my abilities to defend myself, if I hear gunfire there are three options;

1. I'm still only wielding a hatchet, or a makarov with only 1 or 2 mags. I continue on my route, trying to stay away.

2. Fire is far off on other side of Cherno, I continue with my loot-path, but keep my eyes in the general direction, trying to keep track on how they move (by hearing them shoot) and eventually move on to 3.

3. The gunfire is withing a few blocks and I'm armed with pretty much anything other than a hatchet (and sometimes even if only armed with hatchet), I find the player and kill them.

CODing you might call it, I say survival. The longer I stay in Cherno, the more likely I am to die (and I often do on theese runs). I have a goal and I won't leave untill I fill it. Other players want the same things I want, therefore there's a high chance they are carrying it. If I can end my loot-path early by killing someone and looting everything I need of his body, that's good.

But this is not "noob advice".

You need to be competent in moving without attracting zombies.

You need to not stop at every lootpile. Learn how things look, you'll soon die if you spend alot of time with your nose to the ground looking at the gearmenu.

And most importantly, you need to be able to outmanuver other players to drop them before they drop you.

My advice to new players is gtfo the coast, head inland and loot barns.

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Hmmmmm.....is that what the heat packs are for then? To raise your body temp?

yes' date=' and a fire can do the same. running can also slow down how fast body temp decreases


4. NEVER' date=' EVER! use a lee enfield


It might be loud, but the lee enfield is a good rifle w/o a scope. 1 shot 1 kill for players (chest and up) as well

the lee enfield is absolutely useless...

there are many weapons that one-shot

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