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The Yogcast video sure did ruin the community

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The title was sarcasm' date=' life expectancy has gone up by 7 minutes since that video was released. It is now a whole ten minutes higher when bandit skins were a feature. With hundreds of thousands playing 7 minutes is a incredible increase.

Just look at the new Average Life Expectancy...


Those Minecraft skills must transfer over pretty easily.


Ask yourself this, has the life expectancy gone up due to players quitting or not logging in as regular whilst being alive or did some random shitty video actually help the majority of brain dead gamers?


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30 minutes of that is a loading screen.

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I agree with the fact the yogscast didnt get the "feel" of DayZ at all but to be honest I don't mind a bunch of minecraft kids joining. They'll only be easier to spot when I see them trying to get firewood by punching trees over and over.

I feel the same.. Yogs is for a bunch of little kiddies. I don't really mind if a bunch of kids start playing, gives me more easy targets to shoot at. Then they will rage and just stop playing... They'll leave soon enough.

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Personally I watch the yogscast and generally enjoy their content quite a lot.

Their Day z stuff is fairly awful on the other hand, they are just so ignorant in their comments and actions. Numerous times they say take the piss out of the game such as "so realistic" when the reason they are unable to do something is merely because they are inept.

Simon for instance aiming his Ak47 while trying to go down a stair case almost made me begin shouting at the screen. He couldn't move down it and he was blaming the game. Irritating.

Other things like the inventory took me 2 minutes to learn after finding my first item of loot, the system works fine its just terrible users that are the issue (loading your bag without items in-front of you can admittedly be a pain). Yet they take the piss endlessly about such things.

The cheating also annoyed me, as it doesn't show dayz in a true light and more worryingly it could increase the amount of admin cheating on servers bought by yogscast viewers.

Best way I could sum up why I disliked this particular content:

Comedy stops being funny when the comedians just appear as ignorant fools, your supposed to appeal to your audience not alienate them.

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Exactly' date=' Yogscast is a business at this point and they were requested to do DayZ so they are going to do it the most effective way possible and that is not going to be to play the real way.

Watching them spend 2 hours trying to get a hatchet is not one of the ways to entertain, it might be part of the game but its entertainment is purely for that particular person doing it and not someone watching.

They are looking for view count and that isn't going to work in their favor for a series doing something like that. Unless their DayZ videos hit huge they aren't likely to stick with it too long.

Edit: I'd like to point out, them calling him a retard is part of their act, they say off beat things like this, I wouldn't take it to heart in any way whatsoever. If you aren't into their stuff I wouldn't give them view counts.

It's like the standup comics who use race jokes a lot to egg people on, if they get you to watch or talk about them, they are winning the battle :)


We dont have to watch them play for 2 hours to get a hatchet. It's called editting. Even CHKilroy, the first person I ever watched play dayz (and who happens to be an expert arma 2 player) editted his videos to go from 2-3 hours of what was probably semi boring stuff to 30 minutes each of extremely exciting stuff.

The yogscast are just being stupid with this game. Not that I expected much else though, they're actually pretty fucking terrible at video games.

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I don't see what the problem is. They are obviously not big fans of the mod; therefore, if they are given weapons, they will only use them on that one server.

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I only wish they didn't have a babysitter in their videos and took the time to learn to play the game.

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Kind of ironic that they make fun of the game by being sarcastic about ''ultra realism''.

Has anyone seen their fucking kickstarter game? HAHAHAHAHA

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You do realize that the average was reset when the site went down. That's why it's up.


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Kind of ironic that they make fun of the game by being sarcastic about ''ultra realism''.

Has anyone seen their fucking kickstarter game? HAHAHAHAHA

Um how is the game on kickstarter supposed to be realistic?

Edited by Lunatic Fringe

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