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R4GE DayZ Clan. [Recruiting]

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First name: Jacob

Age: 20

TimeZone: (UTC-5:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Why you want to join: I'd like to start playing DayZ with a set and steady group, the way the game is actually meant to be played.

Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest: 9

Do you have Teamspeak: No

Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No): Yes

How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie): I've been playing since mid May, not frequently, just on and off.

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First name:Hunter



Why you want to join:tired of playin alone and have been looking for a a good group

Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest:9

Do you have Teamspeak:yes

Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No):yes

How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie)3 weeks

Edited by Pwnagetacos

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First name: Eric

Age: 26

TimeZone: PST

Why you want to join: Tired of playing solo and having no backup. Looking for a decent team to join with good teamwork.

Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest: 10, Teamwork is the highest priority.

Do you have Teamspeak: Yes

Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No): Yes

How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie): 3 weeks.

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First name:Connor

Age: 17

TimeZone: Central Time Zone.

Why you want to join: I want to join because I hate going around the whole map by my lonesome self, I do not have a base of operations and I really enjoy playing with other players, not a lot of people are actually very "friendly" in game. I have been looking for a clan for a while now, but they were all closed to accepting applications. I am VERY good at entering a highly populated city and looting. I got in and out of Berezino and looted every single place I could, military camp, industrial, residential, etc. and did not agro once single zombie. I have been alive for over 24 Days, I would really like to join!

Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest: 10, I love doing teamwork, not doing teamwork is the same as doing it by yourself, it is much easier to have a team then by yourself.

Do you have Teamspeak: Yes

Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No): Yes

How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie): 2 to 3 months now.

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First name: Adrian

Age: 14

TimeZone: Eastern

Why you want to join: I had a clan before but unfortunately, it started falling apart and i am now looking for a clan that uses tactics cause it's much more fun to go in as a well prepared team rather than alone.

Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest: 8 or 9, I usually listen and communicate well with teamates.

Do you have Teamspeak: Yes.

Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No): Yes.

How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie) I have had and played dayz for about 2 to 3 months.

Edited by oVaneo

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First name:Joey


TimeZone:Eastern Standard Time Zone

Why you want to join:I want to join because It more fun and make the game more enjoyable if you have a team working together to do objective, from looting a grocery store to securing a truck.

Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest:9

Do you have Teamspeak:Yes I do.

Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No):Yes

How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie)2-3 months now.

Edited by vaxdr

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First name: Jacob

Age: 14, I am very mature though

TimeZone: GMT +8:00 I can be on anytime we are planning something though.

Why you want to join: I love playing with groups of people, and scavenging and raiding and it gets boring on your own, and this group seems really to my style of gameplay, and after looking at a couple of other applications I also see that this is a very good community of people who love playing DayZ, and I want to be a part of it all.

Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest: Definitly a 9

Do you have Teamspeak: Yes I do

Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No): Yes

How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie) About a month, I am pretty skilled though, I have found a few vehicles and fought many bandits and zombies, my record is 203 zombies killed. Thought I can make some competition if I get in, to get everyone on and trying their hardest to achieve their goal, and you goal.

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First name:Sleeper68



Why you want to join:Tired of running north by my self looking for helicopter base

Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest:1-10 been on teams before the military and after

Do you have Teamspeak Yes and i also have a up and running Iracing race team server and could also provide one here also

Do you have Skype(Yes) Sleeper68Z

How long have you played DayZ; 2weeks, Arma2, 3 yrs Operation flash point way before that

I' had my own sQUADS IN AA,AA2,AA3, Joint operations and all the other Delta force serie's This Mod is perfect

for using scouting tactic,s

What supplies do you have on you(Please List everything)

M4SD 3mags,G17 2mags, AkM 3mag,s and the supplie's to last me 3 day LLRP out in the North west

living off the land

The more Professional this application looks the better chance you have of getting in

I Atteneded the US Army Cavalry Scout osut

US Army 19 Delta cav scout school, Ft knox, KY 2006/2007 5/15th Troop C

You have a better chance of getting in if you have skype. If you get accepted I will email you back.

I'm as we speak heading NW out of pustoshka 025 068 no sight of hostile forced

Edited by Sleeper68

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First name:Sleeper68



Why you want to join:Tired of running north by my self looking for helicopter base

Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest:1-10 been on teams before the military and after

Do you have Teamspeak Yes and i also have a up and running Iracing race team server and could also provide one here also

Do you have Skype(Yes) Sleeper68Z

How long have you played DayZ; 2weeks, Arma2, 3 yrs Operation flash point

What supplies do you have on you(Please List everything)

M4SD 3mags,G17 2mags, AkM 3mag,s and the supplie's to last me 3 day LLRP out in the North west

living off the land

Edited by Sleeper68

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