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Lost all my items

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I was playing DayZ yesterday, gathering supplies. It was getting dark, and I had a lot of supplies, so I decided to go to a last hunting post to see if there was any weapons there, before I switched server to a daytime server. So I climbed up in the hunting post and logged out. Then when I swapped server and logged back in, I found myself out in a field ~100 meters away from the hunting post, with no items on me what so ever. I did not have my backpack, weapons, food, water, flares, nothing. So out of frustration I ran into some zombies and suicided, telling myself that I am never gonna play this game again. Now, I realize that was stupid of me to do so, but since I spawned without any items at all, atleast dying would give me some items like bandage and painkillers.

Anyone got a solution to this "randomly spawning with no items what so ever" bug?


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Alpha. That's all. Don't get overly attached to your gear as you will inevitably loose them either though death or bug.

As of this bug-report: were you lagging? Your data might of not saved correctly as a response to the lag.

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No, I am pretty sure I was not lagging as I was the only person at home using my internet. And the only thing I was doing was playing DayZ.

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happened to me today. only thing i have left is my guille suit on my guy. everything vanished, even my bag. also happened to my friend at same time

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