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Fireplace and tent placement

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I currently have no issue with only being able to place both of these on flat'ish ground, you can actually put them on a bit of a slope but that is neither here nor there.

I do however have an insanely large issue with the distance objects need to be from where you want to setup. Right now it seems like nothing can be around such as trees or shrubs; within a total radius encompassing 40 or so feet in all directions from where you want to place a tent or fire.

The blocking radius for placement should be like 5 feet, not 40+, that is completely ridiculous and takes away hundreds of thousands of areas which these could be placed if not millions.

It restricts the player in a completely detrimental fashion and forces them to place fires and tents which no one wants to be seen completely out in the open in a totally unrealistic way.

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I'm sure its not a restriction imposed by the mod developer, likely a technical limitation.

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I'm sure its not a restriction imposed by the mod developer' date=' likely a technical limitation.

[/quote']I severely doubt this, the restriction distance of placement is obviously determined by some type of adjustable variable which is currently set much too high.

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Regarding the fire, I get why they limit the placement of it, makes a bit of sense at least.

For tents, it's pretty terrible. I should be able to place my tent with some kind of cover, especially considering it's persistent on a server with or without me connected. Basically, if someone gets a chopper, they can fly around looking for player's tents to ransack in clearings. I should be able to hide them a bit from the air.

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Gotta agree on this. At the current moment the tents are too exposed and forces players to go to great ends of the maps to hide them, which at that point everyone is doing it and will stumble across them while trying to hide theirs. What would be a nice feature is if more forms of 'hid-holes' could be created that players could hide some stash away in. Last feature I understand will not happen most likely due to game engine limitations.

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I checked the dayZ code. It uses default ArmA 2 command isFlatEmpty with minimal distance from another object set to 1 meter for tent and 0.5 meters for camp fire. Those tree objects in the game include all the branches etc which makes the command consider them to take much more space than just the trunk.

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I'd be so happy if I could place tents under cover, I mean it seems pretty stupid that the tent that I'm trying to HIDE has to be placed in the middle of a field instead of hidden in a treeline.

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Man, I even tried laying down in the forest and rolling over the brush to flatten the ground. My realism heart broke when it didn't work.

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Man' date=' I even tried laying down in the forest and rolling over the brush to flatten the ground. My realism heart broke when it didn't work.

[/quote']That is exactly what I was doing for a while lol, you can place it in the brush without a problem it's just this ridiculous proximity to the trees and what not which needs to be changed.

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I completely agree with this. Please allow tents to be placed in cover. Survival is one of the main aspects in this game. Who is their right mind would place a tent in the open. I really see this as a no brainer and truly hope it is fixed. I want me tent to be so hard to find that I will even have a hard time locating it after a couple beers.

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Yes, I agree with that too.

Tents are a leading part of the survival-idea of dayz and have been on of my motivations to play this (great great) mod. Therefore should be a possibility to place them in a realistic way.

I carry a tent in my gear for days now and never mounted it because of the weak placing-options.

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If you all read what I wrote above, you will understand the mechanic behind the tent placement. By understanding that, you can find nice covered places where to put it. Just make sure there are no tree branches right above you.

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If you all read what I wrote above' date=' you will understand the mechanic behind the tent placement. By understanding that, you can find nice covered places where to put it. Just make sure there are no tree branches right above you.


It's not that. You can't place tents even underneath those tall thin trees that are placed about 4 meters apart from each other.

There's something odd going on with that command. It doesn't do what it's supposed to do. Maybe it should be replaced by FindSafePos or something else?

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You can't place tents even underneath those tall thin trees that are placed about 4 meters apart from each other. There's something odd going on with that command. It doesn't do what it's supposed to do.

It must be that the boundingBox of those tree objects has been set to be quite much higher than their actual physical size. I've seen that before in some other objects in ArmA 2' date=' when checking bounding box sizes. I'm pretty sure that isFlatEmpty will only check the boundingbox size of the objects around and determine the result according to that. Also remember that bounding box is a rectangular box area, and the tent placement requires you to have at least 1 meter distance from that box. rocket could try to reduce that 1 meter to 0.5 or even to just 0.1. That would make it a bit easier.

Maybe it should be replaced by FindSafePos or something else?

The syntax of BIS_fnc_findSafePos actually looks very similar to isFlatEmpty, so it probably uses the same logic for finding a safe position. You could use that but it wouldn't return a position that is in front of the player, so the tent might be placed quite far from what the player intended, and the same restrictions most likely apply.

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Ok I now fully agree that the tent placement is pretty horrible. I just spent about 2 hours trying to place tents today. Sometimes trying in open area, no trees within 10 meters in any direction and quite flat area.

There's something seriously wrong with the isFlatEmpty command, or there are some invisible objects in Chernarus all over the place.

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I cannot find a place to put down a fireplace. I even tried the middle of a paved road. The Forest is impossible it seems. So I would really like this one to be worked on a little. Tasty meats needs a cooking. Cow drops 8 meat!!!

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Ok I now fully agree that the tent placement is pretty horrible. I just spent about 2 hours trying to place tents today. Sometimes trying in open area' date=' no trees within 10 meters in any direction and quite flat area.

There's something seriously wrong with the isFlatEmpty command, or there are some invisible objects in Chernarus all over the place.


Yeah, at first we figured it was a bounding issue, but then small trees and pines with obviously smaller bounding than the larger ones with canopies were still causing issues.

Since you can place tents just about on top of each other, we were stumped as to reasons.

Hopefully it'll be something to be looked at for 1.5.9 so we can set up bases in secluded spots, not easily found open clearings. There's sadly too few of those for determined searchers not to find your stuff.

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Has anyone placed tents since the update to I seriously cannot place a tent at the exact same spot as my previously placed tent on another server. I lined it up exactly, and nada.

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Aye this is quite a headache.... It took me almost 5minutes to get a fire going while in the wilderness... very painful... Funny thing is ive found that half the time when I get one going its not even on a level ground its on flat sloped ground or some other bs..

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