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tent and more on seattle 35

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well i know that seattle 35 was taken down becuz of no battleeye, but do we have to suffer?

A friend and me was just planning to pitch up a tent in a big forrest on seattle35. So we did it and packed in many things in it.

The next day we wanted to join the server didnt response ... "waiting for host". We just thought: " OK maybe it is under construction", but the following day it didnt responsed too. 4 days have now passed and we´ve started to pitch up another tent on another server until the old server is reachable again.

Now ive read the thread and im a bit pissed of, becuz we, the PPL, didnt know sth about it, otherwise i wouldnt have packed so many thing in it, of course not the rare ones... -.-.

So im not interested in the other stuff including the tents, but pls

give me back the rare things like the m24 (found in barracks) with 8 magazines (found with many other mags at wreck) and the NV google (found at wreck too).

There was also a gps in there, but i alrdy found one so that doenst matter and all the other things arent that important to be replaced.

Well i know im not the only one, becuz quite near to our tents a 2nd camp was pitched up (we just wanted to loot the following day)

Hope u understand my annoyance.

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Ok, i tell u what: I WANT the following things back which just dissapperead by 2 fucking shitty bugs:

- M24 + 8mags

- 2 tents

- NV Google

Im rly pissed of now .... its one thing that u just shut down seattle 35 just becuz of no battleye, but its completly not okay that 1. tents are getting duplicated and becuz of this everything in there is just dissapearing (2nd time now items in there are lost .... :@).

2. that everything in your backpack, which u replaced with a bigger one, is lost even if u open the dropped back. (this time these 2 tents were in there).


It is a Aplha yes, but ignoring threads of User which are describing Problems like these is unacceptable.

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