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Zombie Sprinting

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Putting this here because I don't want to suggest it. I just want opinions.

Okay, so, I've noticed something.

Zombies run faster than you do. This isn't a problem right NOW, because they stop to try and hit you, and therefore miss. So you have a MILD chance of evading one or two by running away/through buildings, etc etc.

But WHEN the zombie 'stop hit' gets patched out, which I'm almost positive it will be, zombies will be impossible to evade. Why? Because they make you bleed by breathing on you, that's why. You can't evade a zombie while you're bleeding. You can't just be like 'woah, stop, lemme get a bandage on this!'

This will make the beginning portion of the game EXCEPTIONALLY difficult. As in 'Why the fuck even bother' difficult. And from what I've heard, zombies walking inside buildings is ALSO a bug. So if the zombie stop-hit bug is ironed out, then every single person in DayZ who likes to get within any kind of agro distance of a sprinting zombie is dead. Unless they have a silenced weapon, and lol, those are so common.

And before everyone screams 'It's supposed to be hard!' having it so that zombies that can consistently outrun you over any distance is BS.

It's already impossible to shoot the sprinting zombies, due to the fact that they run so fucking erratically they might as well be an autistic kid hopped up on speed and cocaine and forgot to put his glasses on. You have to turn around and STOP MOVING to fire on them. And if you run away from a sprinter to try and get to a safe shooting distance, all his FRIENDS come join him.

And if zombies start running indoors, you can forget evading them in town. Ever. Literally, the only saving grace survivors have at the moment from a sprinting zombie is the fact that they stop to attack, and walk indoors. If those things are patched out, DayZ is going to become nigh unplayable.

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I'm honestly getting tired of having to deal with zombies since reaching the decision that I must. shoot. everyone.

I feel like this would be a much better experience if it focused solely on pvp and did away with poor gimmicks.

It can still be a post apocalyptic world, just without zombies. Which are a pretty stupid idea anyway even with the modern 'infected' variety. An alien invasion on the other hand....there would be no limit to the possibilities. Alien > walking rotting worm feast. It would be very easy to step into the cheese zone tho...

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I'm honestly getting tired of having to deal with zombies since reaching the decision that I must. shoot. everyone.

I feel like this would be a much better experience if it focused solely on pvp and did away with poor gimmicks.

It can still be a post apocalyptic world' date=' just without zombies. Which are a pretty stupid idea anyway even with the modern 'infected' variety. An alien invasion on the other hand....there would be no limit to the possibilities. Alien > walking rotting worm feast. It would be very easy to step into the cheese zone tho...


I like zombies. They're fun.

I just don't want to update one day and find out that every upright zombie has become an erratic motherfucker that sprints faster than your character and doesn't need to stop to hit you.

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I'm honestly getting tired of having to deal with zombies since reaching the decision that I must. shoot. everyone.

I feel like this would be a much better experience if it focused solely on pvp and did away with poor gimmicks.

It can still be a post apocalyptic world' date=' just without zombies. Which are a pretty stupid idea anyway even with the modern 'infected' variety. An alien invasion on the other hand....there would be no limit to the possibilities. Alien > walking rotting worm feast. It would be very easy to step into the cheese zone tho...


I like zombies. They're fun.

I just don't want to update one day and find out that every upright zombie has become an erratic motherfucker that sprints faster than your character and doesn't need to stop to hit you.

heh Well you say they are fun and then you say the exact reason that they aren't fun.

I mean, they're stupid, and they should be because they are dead. The new 'infected' style just makes them faster. Whoopy fucking doo. It's still totally unrealistic. An Olympic sprinter doesn't go sprinting when he has a cold, much less a 'zombie' affliction. Performance requires a healthy body, not a disease riddled, near/post death, rotting mass. Not to mention, even animals can work together to hunt as packs.

Like everyone says, the game is a deathmatch. It should play to it's strengths.

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the zombies have long been a problem in this game, which is funny seeing how theyre what attracts people to the mod. i like this game, and i really hope it gets fixed and fast.

the way i see it, its pretty much unplayable as it is. im not going to take the time to sneak into any town for loot with the chance that aggroing ONE ZOMBIE could mean the end. if you could outrun them, fine...but they NEVER stop following you. i like a hard game sure, but it gets pretty ridiculous after a while.

the glitching thru walls, leg-breaks etc need to be fixed asap also, but this has been discussed before. im positive rocket and co. will do it though and everything will be jus dandy. until then, im out.

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Zombies are tough to deal with, despite what all the forum warriors here would like everyone to believe. Even without the bugs, they run at inhuman speed even for 'post' humans and spawn out of thin air. They may as well sprout wings and fly if this keeps up.

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I agree.

The zombies will need a heavy nerf if all these things are implemented. No more instant bleeding and so on.

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