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Hi, looking for group

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Like most people, I am a lonewolf looking for a group. I considered myself as a mature yet friendly guy. Started a few days ago, died a few times, but I know how to keep myself a low-profile to survive; the group with increase that survival rate dramatically. I have skype and mumble, but add me on steam for those info.

My ideal group would be around 3-6 people, but that's only for traveling. I am fine with any number.

Thank you!

Steam ID: asdfgsdf0619

Edit1: Timezone is GMT -7, go Cali!

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The Vivere Mortuus Venatores(or living dead hunters) sub-unit of the 434th Combined Operations Brigade is always looking for new people to survive with. We are an North American clan. We work together as a team sharing supplies as they are needed by the unit members. We also don't go around randomly killing other players. If you have any questions just pm and I'll get back to you asap. Our website is http://434thcob.guildlaunch.com

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