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Why does hardly anyone go north??

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I frequently travel the north in search of others, and in the past two days i have seen the grand total of 2 players, a bandit and a survivor.

What is with all the peeps sitting in electro and cherno? It frustrates me when i see in side channel how many times, 'Friendly in electro' and the like comes up over and over hardly hear anything involving any northern towns, its starting to get a very one sided map. Its either go to the coast and be submitted to near constant PKing or roam around thee north hardly encountering a single soul for hours :P Good for a single survivor looking to just survive but i need some human contact other wise im gonna go insane!

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Or maybe people in the North just doesn't shout their locations, like me. The less I see other people the better, unless chatting in TS/Mumble. Every contact is a potential threat.

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The north is safer, and more deadly, you take the risk of better gear at the risk of less places to loot, and a longer walk when you die.

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I think it might be all the new players showing up and trying not to go North (the forums and bandit stories are making North to a mystical land of every minute death :D). And usually the peeps that get enough equipment to wander North by themselves have enough experience not to run around screaming "I need friends!" in areas like Sobor or the airfield :DD

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All I do is roam and patrol the north. I never announce where im at. Every person I see, is my next victim. I tracked some guy through 4 towns before finally catching him in a barn and took the shot.

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Well Riffshooter, depends which north town you go to also.

If your going to Novy Sabor/Big Airfield and you havn't seen people frequently then something is terribly wrong.

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very true,

maybe its just the fact us 'Northerners' are experts of survival and blending into the surroundings.

i know i never shout location out ever. But it'd be nice to encounter some more people around the north :)

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because its easy to get lost and stuck without food and you have no idea where the next town is....

city near the coastal is more packed but the northern cities have better tier of loot

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It's not coincidence. In Sobor and Airfields there are three types of players: bandits who try to take over the area because of the loot, survivors who loot and move around as quickly and silently as possible trying to maintain their precious inventory, and survivors who just got around there and try to find friends. The last ones die out so quickly you hardly ever meet them :D

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The lack of food and water in the northern towns means you really need to at least get these things in the coastal cities, with a pack big enough to do you some good. While you are there you might as well hit a hospital for meds and while you are at it work for a full house of map, compass, binoculars, matches and hunting knife... BANG! Oh well, it only took 30 minutes to get all of that collected the first time, no big loss.

How many actually go north without stopping at a big city first to do just these things? Out of those how many are not bandits that get those things by killing those that have them? It's a tough march up north with a mak, a patrol pack and a can of beans.

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Myself and the rest of my usual group pretty much stick north unless we are doing loot runs with the chopper and need to go to a hospital for example. As has been mentioned, it's much safer inland (in general, bar obviously Stary and the airfields), and many people will not publicly tell the server their location like that of the newer players around the coast.

Cherno and Elektro are just killing grounds, and many people find that fun so they stick to the coast hunting new prey :p

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I only play in the North and I always see people. Generally I roam NW Airfield, green mountain, devils castle, NE airfield, stary, vybore and all the surrounding towns. When I respawn I always go straight north unless I spawn at Balota, then I make a quick stop at the airfield. It's feasible to run straight to the NW airfield with starter provisions without ever stopping but usually I hit a town or two to build up my compass etc and get a new bag.

Always people up north, and it's way more fun than being on the coast.

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I think the North gives a bit of a different experience to the player than coastal towns. In them, it's a meatgrinder with lots and lots of shooting. The North, however, is more of a horror-thriller type - most of the time you sneak around, adjust you route to zombies and villages, plan ahead (which villages might have good loot worth risking a zombie invasion chasing you through the street, which places might have bandits, etc.), and unexpected encounters can pump you full of adrenaline.. This is why I love the North, even if I do not fire a single shot for hours.

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A lot of people seem to just join up and PVP around the coast and not realize that there is in fact a HUGE world beyond it. With that said I have come across people in the further out towns and have been popped in tree stands several km from the coast enough times to get in and out AFAFP. A few times myself and the group I play with have seen people running through fields far inland but as soon as we start firing they just prone and DC :\ Ther have been times when we have been inland and hear a gunfight in towns and man does my adrenaline get going, I can barely keep my mouse steady. Thank goodness for adjustable DPI...G9x FTW baby!

Stary Sober is a freaking deathtrap, though....but OMG the loot is great and if you got enough people and ammo you can hold the warehouse since the zed slow up once they get inside.....but theres just so many of them and by the time you finish off a towns worth of zed the next wave is already respawning....1.5.8 needs to hurry up!

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if your not heading straight north or away from the coast as soon as you spawn in...your wrong.

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I wasted a crazy amount of time (like 3 days or something, no in-game map or compass - new to the game) getting to Devil's castle only to be killed by an outhouse...There were binoc's on the toilet seat and I was attempting to loot them. But it closed the door on me instead. So that broke my legs and apparently gave me a mortal wound that I couldn't stop from bleeding and just bled out. There's been other time's I just go prone in a tree line and that mortally wounds and breaks my legs as well or prone over certain thresholds in doorways.

It's hard for me to want to do it again just to die from something unavoidable like that (well now that I know it won't be, heh). And there wasn't really any better loot up north either (where I went anyway) so...It was a fun journey though and I most likely will do again at some point, but It's really not worth it, loot wise. For me anyway.

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It's cause once you reach the northern part,everyone you encounter starts shooting without asking questions.Thats why people (like me) wont be seen there (which doesn't mean im not there)

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.Thats why people (like me) wont be seen there (which doesn't mean im not there)

Nailed it. There are people inland but they are often hugging the trees....watching...waiting....

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Because it takes forever, and a lot of people die trying to get initial supplies.

Seriously, it's a long walk. Especially if you don't have a map or compass (and you're not cheating with out-of-game references).

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Waste of time tbh, walk 30 + min just to get killed on the airfield? I know there's more up north than NW Airfield, but many of the places simply aren't worth it. (considering the amount of zombies you encounter is huge now, even in the smaller villages that have only 1 - 2 places for loot)...

Sure I enjoyed the adventure the first time I played Day Z, but several weeks down the road I really don't see much point in wasting so much time walking for so little gain. (A lot of my friends feel the same way) Cherno, elektra and balota offer most of the good gear as well, and them being bandit heavens only makes it more exciting imo. (Not to mention you can always PK for loot yourself) The only time I bother going deeper in land is when I have a vehicle, or when I happen to spawn close to some place that I know has a vehicle spawn chance.

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I'm pushing North as fast as I can at the moment; the further away from Chernogorsk you are the better.

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The first few days I played this I would just travel down the coast, now I always head north after spawning. :D

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I pretty much stick to the north. I make my rounds to smaller locations as I am in it for the survival horror aspect (which is why I still use my Winchester and Revolver) and not the guns blazing part. I am sure that will change but for now I like my supply runs and stalking the few people I come across. Haven't killed anyone yet up north...they have bigger problems than little ol' me.

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