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Spawning locations?

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So it's quite obvious we spawn on the coast, I know it's a survival game but would people like an option to choose their spawning point (not by view on map) by selectin like coast, mid land, north, east ect ect?

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I would love to see an option for "Random South West Coast" and "Random South East Coast" spawn points.

There are obvious reasons why being able to choose a spawn point would be bad (like spawn camping or everyone choosing to spawn by the NW airfield) but I'd love to see SOME sort of choice to group up easier with friends.

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I doubt that would good to make it as player choice. Though some randomness would be interesting. As i wrote in one other topic - spawning in front on running zombie horde would be also cool feature..



Zombie Killer

RE: Read - Roaming Horde(s)

Seems there is some valid points. In my view would be this good addition to zombie spawning system. Example - most zombies could spawn in western region of map (from west come railroad, i imagine, there might be some bigger cities, full of infected). Much less zombies could spawn on North border of map. And with spawning, they begin its migrating southeast.

I guess, some resurrecting of players might be take place in front of a another wave of spawned zombies ..

And yet something. In my view would be cool, if in harbor of one larger city, would located pair Ocean liners, with many turists, who was arrived at festive week.

Now you have good spot for spawning zombies and maybe interesting (but dangerous)place to explore and take some loot.

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