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Unconscious Bug

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I need help, I have no way geting out of this, I'm Unconscious with the hour glass empty on the screen and its not doing anything, its not giving me the option to open up Exit menu and click respawn or whatnot, is there anyway of fixing this?

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alt+ f4

He could alt+tab then bring up task manager (Alt+Cntrl+Dlt) and force it to shut down via processes if Alt F4 doesn't work.

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alt+ f4

He could alt+tab then bring up task manager (Alt+Cntrl+Dlt) and force it to shut down via processes if Alt F4 doesn't work.

no not like that, I have no way of playing now Unless my character dies

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Have a friend bring an epi-pen and revive you. Where are you located? (Not server, just building/town)

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like in the debugger map :P In the mountains I don't know :L

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