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Perhaps I'm just being pretentious.

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I'm still quite a newb on DayZ but it's quickly becoming the thing that has taken over my life this past week or two.

When I initially heard about DayZ, I looked into it, read up on it and watched some videos online. I felt I understood the ethos of the game. Danger, survival, teamwork and yes, betrayal and murder. A harsh and unforgiving world. While it will always be a game, it's rare that a game has me so involved, fearing for my life and actually taking things slow. I haven't experienced anything like it since when I first started playing Demon's Souls.

But like Demon's Souls, it begins to attract those that just look beyond the ideas of the game, the philosophies behind it and see simpler things: Gear, PVP, 'tiers'. No longer do people have the patience to explore, crawl past zombies and hope to christ they don't see you before you get to that barn. Now they server hop until they find the best guns so they can sit in Cherno or Elektro and snipe noobies like it's some CoD deathmatch.

I have no problem with PVP (again, another term which can make me sad when used in this game but I guess its nessacary here). There is a thrill of approaching a new area and wondering if someone else is there, sneaking into a town and hearing gunshots is enough to stop you dead in your tracks. Seeing another player on their own adventure causes you to jump down into the grass and you watch and wonder if they're possibly friendly. Now it's just "I'll sit here and snipe noobies just to ruin their day".

If DayZ was some sort of social experiment then the results show community has declined in gaming. We seem to be stuck in the mentality of 'shoot first, ask questions later' mentality and its now stuck in a vicious circle. Like the kid that was bullied at home and now bullies at school, so do the noobies that are constantly shot for going near Cherno. Once they've gotten the gear, noobies die by their hands.

I'm not saying this is the end of Dayz (lol), no doubt this mod will blossom and grow as more is added, but we may see things we don't like and become more restricted thanks to the tunnel vision view of PVP.

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You'll always get people like this, It's sad, but the rule of thumb in this game is don't go to cherno unless you want to die.

I do agree, that this game is awesome and it's one of the games that I do take slow and thoroughly enjoy, but PVP is a DANGER, just like in real life it's more of a be or be killed. I am slowly learning this.

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"I have no problem with PvP except when it's not the particular sort of PvP that I happen to personally agree with."

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And that is one thing I loved about it when I first joined. Huge cities were and still are, dangerous places. It's the way that developed on its own, a rule that was created, not by the developers, but by the people playing. I love that.

But the sheer amount of people that decide to get the best gear just so they can sit outside these places is ridiculous. No doubt the danger is PVP is a constant while you're playing but its become that people no longer care about survival and exploring and keeping alive; its now about server hopping, the best gear and tiers (likes it a MMORPG or some crap).

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no offense to you at all good sir, but the only one who has tunnel vision here is you. rocket is working on the problem and has stated so several times and to be honest these singled out experiences on the forums is less then 10% (yes i'm pulling a number outta my hat but its just an example to get the point across) of the population that is actually playing the game. If you looked at the player population of the game as a whole with the stats that rocket has access to we would probably see that for ourselves. not everyone is a KoS bandit. I'm not for 1, my 4 other friends/family/girlfriend are not kos bandits. others i've ran into have helped me ect. the bad times are just easier to write about and make you remember them more then the good times.

Keep your chin up, things will improve. :D

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If you are sick of geared up players sniping noobs in Cherno why don't you stalk the bandits and kill them. Those guns make a lot of noise, and once they give their position away go get them.

That's what I do, it's a lot of fun.

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No, no, no.

Cherno and Elekto will always be warzones. I accept that. Infact, as I said, I love it. The point I'm trying to make is, people are approaching DayZ with that sickly WoW mentality. Best gear, 'high end gear' I've heard some people say. The simple of joys of exploring a town and finding a gun with a few clips and some equipment are gone. But because people want the best it's just server hopping.

But hey, I guess thats what happens once you've mastered everything, PVP is what you have left.

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