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Possible solution to vehicle curb hording

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Yesterday I managed to find my first car!

After hunting around on foot to find wheels, then repairing it and started driving around, I quickly realized how powerful this superfast mobile tent is...

The thing that struck me as incredibly overpowered was the fact that cars can store so many items, including car parts. I'm not sure on the exact limit as I never reached it in the armored SUV, it seemed that this vehicle was the ultimate machine for finding more vehicles.

You can cover every vehicle spawn in 30 mins of driving, all while carrying enough materials to repair any vehicle to full health.

In the interest of balance, you would think that a finite resource like vehicles should have diminishing returns for players to prevent hording them all. The current build is the opposite, once you have your first car, finding more becomes trivial. So in an active server trying to find a vehicle, players on foot that can travel at like 10k per hour carrying at max 2 car tires and some scrap metal has to compete with other players who travel at 100k and can carry a seemingly infinite amount of gear.

What I propose is to greatly limit the carrying capacity of car parts for a vehicle to prevent this snowballing effect. Repairing cars will still be easier for players with other cars already, but the gap will not be so massive. It also increases the chance that a car will be wrecked beyond repair because you wont have 4 spare wheels, a fueltank, engine parts, scrap metal in the boot for whenever you crash.


Don't let cars carry car parts.

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The other day a friend and I went down to the car shop to pick-up parts for my car, and wouldn't you know it, no matter how hard we tried, the part I bought just would NOT go into his car. Even though the box was small enough to fit in my lap, anytime I got into the car it would just pop right outside. We weren't sure what magical force was keeping the part from being held in his car, but ultimately I had to walk the part to my car because of this strange occurrence.

Or to put it more bluntly, no. This idea is never happening.

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Last time I broke my leg, morphine didn't fix it, its a game, the metagame needs balance.

Btw do you have enough spare parts in the boot of your car to replace anything if it fails? + every item you own?

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Just make more vehicles. 10 times more from now. I think that'll be enough.

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