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abstract (DayZ)

Need urgent help with my map...

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Hello there, survivors of the world! :)

I have recently aquired a map from a local supermarket. I looked at it and it was spammed with racial slurs etc :@. I want to have a serious map with my own marks around the world. For example I want to mark houses which I have found special items in or mark some deer stands. So, here are my map related questions:

1. Can I remove all the spam and all the racial slurs from my map? I would really like to do this since the map is really ugly and as I said before I want to keep things serious. Or do I simply need to find another map?

2. If I mark something on my map in my first life and die and find a map in another life, are my marks still there? Or are marks map specific? (I'll be playing on the same server so I'm not wondering about marks staying if I cross-server play).

3. Can I somehow make my friends see my marks? I mean, since I saw all the spam marks that someone else made I should be able to make my friends see them.

Thank you so much for your answers!


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1. No. Marks are server wide. Everybody sees them.

2. No.

3. Yes, and every other player on server.

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Because the game uses the Arma2 engine the maps work how they do it that game. IE all markers made by your team are visible to everyone on that team. Due to everyone in dayz being in one arma "team" you can see everyones markers and delete them aswell

My advice dont mark the map use grid cords and write those down.

TLDR Everyone can write on the map due to it being server wide

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As above, map markers are server-wide.

You place them by double clicking, pressing up/down for an icon and typing.

You delete them by placing your cursor over them and pressing the delete key.

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