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2 DayZ characters 1 steam account?

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Could I have 2 DayZ characters, without them conflicting with each other.

Heres the situation: Me and my friend got really far, again, and dont wanna die, we've got pretty good rifles, found 3 downed choppers. After a good days work he told me he was not gonna be on for 2 weeks.

So could I make a new profile and not have it conflict with my current one that im playing with my friend? ( and by conflict i mean not having the new profile erase my old one)

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It says the character is tied to your CD-key, so I am guessing no, also Dude, it's fun to have a lot of stuff, but don't hoard it the games in alpha, and as other people say you're gonna lose your stuff, have fun with it while you can.

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I think if you create another user you can. I have one I created for Arma2 and changed to a new one later. Haven't tried them though

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Just play man. Once you learn about the game which you sound like you have it's really not that hard to get gear back in a couple of hours of play. The only really rare items are luxury and not required, like gps, nvg, ghillie suit, and some of the rarer guns. But you don't NEED those, they're just nice.

For example I died earlier today and after about 5-6 hours of play I already have a coyote pack, most tools (just not the rare ones), and an AS50+M1911. Sure a lot of it is luck but if you know where to look and scout things out its really not too bad if you die. I was very lucky with the AS50 and Coyote pack, but other than that you can do just fine with a cz550 or a dmr, or your assault rifle of choice and an alice pack.

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Odds are pretty good if you just play you'll have a lot of new things to show your homie when he gets back from summer camp. Getting the loots is the most fun anyways. Hoard for too long and the game loses its appeal.

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